Saturday, July 9, 2016

Why Culties Aren’t Catholic

One of the things that is truly amazing is the way Dannie’s culties simply IGNORE all the wrongdoing and harm that he has done, and support him – no matter what.  Nothing seems to faze them.  Dannie can do just about anything, and it rolls off them, like water off a duck’s back.  They’ll put up with anything, as long as they get their “show.”  For instance, the abuses of the school principal and his boys during the 2009 SGG school troubles: the behavior of the Lotarski family was nothing short of APPALLING – but the culties took it all in stride.  When Dannie referred to the Lotarski boys’ watching porn and animal torture videos on the school computer as “boys will be boys,” one would think that this would’ve outraged the parishioners – or at least make them take notice.  And when one of the Lotarski boys impregnated a girl student at SGG’s school, one might think that this would’ve been universally condemned by them – especially when Dannie ignored that too.1   But it wasn't.  Nary a soul “batted an eye.” 

And as for Dannie, not only did he not publicly (or privately) castigate the boy for his blatantly criminal act of immorality, but he actually feted him on several occasions afterwards.  (Dannie actually featured him in an SGG Newsletter not long after that, commending him for his expertise “on the organ.”  [We wonder to which “organ” he was referring!]  And the girl?  When Dannie did assess any blame, it was to her.  He said NOTHING about the boy.

And did the boy “do right” by the girl?  Did he accept responsibility, and offer to marry her (or even offer to support her or the child in any way)?  NO.  He entirely abrogated his responsibilities, and skipped off, “Scot Free.”  The girl and her child now live with her parents, who support them both.  Not a penny of support came from the Lotarski clan.  Now, one of Dannie’s “apologists” might contend that the child is not the Lotarski boy’s -- but DNA evidence readily confirms otherwise.  (Actually, no DNA evidence is necessary: the child is a spitting image of her father.)

And is the boy or his parents – or Dannie – ashamed of what happened?  Do they have any sense of guilt or remorse?  NO.  On the contrary: they simply pretend that it never happened, and “life at the cult center” goes on, as if nothing had happened.  And what about the parishioners?  Do they condemn this in any way?  NO.  They also pretend.  Why?  Because morality has no place for them: SGG is all about “the show,” not about morality.  That’s all that counts.  As long as they get their “show,” ANYTHING is permissible.

Well, one might counter again, “Perhaps the parishioners were not aware of what was going on.”  To this, we must counter that, for them not to be aware of this, is like the captain of the Titanic not being aware that his ship was sinking.  EVERYBODY at SGG was aware of it (as they were aware of everything else going on at the school).  It was on everybody’s lips – and virtually every parishioner was informed of it in writing by other concerned (and irate) fellow parishioners.  They simply IGNORED it all, because it got in the way of their “show.”  That’s the kind of “morality” that sets the standard at SGG.

Another example of cultie “morality” that bears mentioning involves a couple who, staunch supporters of Dannie, came to him one day to request that he give the wife’s mother the last rites.  Dannie refused, because she was “Novus Ordo” -- and therefore not “Catholic.”    He also refused to give her a Requiem Mass when she died shortly thereafter.  Now what makes his refusal so incredibly hypocritical (as well as monumentally uncharitable) is that, some time prior to that, he DID grant a Requiem Mass for a “Novus Ordo” Catholic: the deceased wife of -- you guessed it -- another SGG parishioner.

The difference was this: the aforementioned couple, being of modest means, had little money to give, while that deceased wife’s well-to-do husband was a big contributor at SGG.  Oddly enough, that deceased wife was not only Novus Ordo, but she detested both Dannie and Tony – usually reason enough for Dannie to deny someone.  But that didn’t matter: it was her husband’s money that mattered.  And her funeral, in fact, was arguably the biggest, splashiest affair ever held at SGG.3   (So, it seems that any “ecclesiastical” or “canonical” reasons Dannie might have had for refusing the one did not apply in the case of the other – more of Dannie’s “double standard” hypocrisy.)

The couple was naturally upset, and left SGG.  They then found a priest who readily granted their request for the last rites (and subsequent Requiem Mass).3 The couple were obviously elated (and grateful) for this priest’s having the Catholic charity to accommodate them; and in gratitude, they decided to attend his Masses rather than go back to the cult center – or so one would think.  But, because his Masses were not the ornate extravaganzas that Dannie put on (they were Low Masses, offered in a private home), the couple – who missed “the show” – eventually quit this priest, and returned to SGG.  That is the kind of “gratitude” they showed for this man who so graciously and unselfishly accommodated them in their hour of need.  This is how they repaid his kindness and charity.

How could they do such a thing?  How could they return to the vipers who refused them, and spurn the priest who accommodated them?  Simple: they got what they wanted, so they didn’t need that priest anymore.  They have come to emulate their cult-masters: to use people to get what they want, and then to discard them.  And, of course, they invent “reasons” to justify their treachery.  For them, Catholic morality doesn’t count.  Pontifical pageantry, polyphonic music, and elaborate spectacle – in the end, that’s what counts.  If the Lotarski boys watch porn or fornicate (or if their father habitually brutalizes students at SGG’s school), or if Phony Tony justifies Terri Schiavo’s being put to death, none of that matters to them.  It’s only “the show” – superficiality, not substance -- that counts.

But that’s what the cult mentality does to people: it turns them into people who would rather have lavishly embellished lip service and lies than unadorned, unvarnished truth.  Ignoring what really counts, they dwell on the superficial (such as, condemning people for violating “dress codes,” even though they themselves don’t observe them – especially the “privileged elite” at SGG and MHT).  And, like that Pharisee who prayed: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other people,” they take the moral high ground, look down their noses at the “Samaritans” around them, and find fault with just about everyone.4

The culties of Tradistan, whether they choose to admit it or not, are Pharisees.  They are hypocrites.  And they are wrong.  And, down deep, they know it – but they’re too proud to admit it.  They blot out the truth, and settle for the alluring cosmetics of make-believe Catholicism – because that is more palatable for them than facing up to reality.  “Porn?”  “No problem!”  “Animal torture flicks?”  “No problem!”  “Fornication?”  “No problem!”  “Terri being starved and dehydrated to death?”  “No problem – as long as we get our bell-ringing processions and our annual donkey parade!”  What kind of people, one wonders, can reconcile such things in their minds?  

And what will this kind of "pretending" and denial gain them?  In the end, whom will they hurt but themselves, because “the truth always outs.”  Eventually, they will no longer be able to ignore it (or live with it), and they’ll have to face the obvious truth – and face their Creator as well.  When that day of realization (and reckoning) comes, how much damage will have been done – not just suffered by them at the expense of their cult-masters, but done by them to others as well?5   How many other souls will they have endangered by their living in denial (and thus “enabling” the cult-masters)?  When they meet their Maker, Who “can neither deceive nor be deceived,” how will they answer for all their deception and denial?   They had better think about that.

1 Yes, many did disapprove, and left SGG -- approximately half the congregation) – but many stayed.  They were made aware of the abuses -- both by word of mouth, and in writing – but they chose either not to believe it, or to ignored it.  If it didn’t happen to them personally, it didn’t “register” with them.  (But that’s the way it is for a lot of people: if it doesn’t actually happen to them, it’s not “real” for them.)  But, that being said, there really was more than enough evidence to convince them. SGG’s biggest benefactor, for one, was convinced – and left.  (See A Tale of Two Letters.)  It only goes to prove that, for those who stayed, no amount of evidence will ever convince them.

2 Dannie also refused the sacraments on other occasions -- even to his own parishioners, if they violated his “rules.”  (One such parishioner was the brother of Fr. Ahern.  Dannie refused him communion because he had attended an SSPX chapel while on vacation.)

3 This was the celebrated “Triple Play” Requiem Mass that we reported about some time back in an earlier article.  (Click here for article.) It was actually three Masses – said simultaneously by three different priests – something unprecedented in the history of SGG.  It makes Dannie’s refusal of that couple’s mother all the more hypocritical; but it also makes that couple’s returning to SGG all the more hypocritical as well, especially if they were aware of that former “triple play” funeral -- and they probably were.  But whether they were or not, the duplicity of their action alone is enough to indict them.  If they are not thoroughly ashamed of what they have done, they ought to be.

4 One of SGG’s prominent parishioners is fond of saying that this person or that “has problems.”  In a discussion one day about well-known entertainment personalities, he ridiculed the late singer Perry Como, saying that he had “problems.”  Amongst other things, he accused Como of often appearing with female performers who were, by cult-master standards, “inappropriately dressed.”  Funny thing, though: this parishioner’s wife often wore dresses that were “tightly wrapped”; but, since he was a prominent parishioner, the double-standard cult-masters said nothing about it.

As it turns out, Perry Como was a devoutly Catholic man who led an exemplary life.  The seventh of thirteen children, he married his childhood sweetheart, whom he remained with for over 65 years (until her death in 1998).  He never remarried.  In an age when scandal was the norm for popular entertainers (and secret “liaisons” could be easily and discreetly arranged, there was never a hint of it in his case.  And, being one of the most popular (and handsome) personalities of his generation, he was undoubtedly a tempting target for worldly, unscrupulous women – and he could have easily succumbed to such temptation.  But he didn’t.  Instead, he insisted on regularly travelling with a Franciscan priest to make sure that nothing of that sort ever happened. 

Also, he was one of the very few pop entertainers who sang religious (and Catholic) hymns on his “Christmas” shows.  (He typically closed his Christmas shows with Schubert’s Ave Maria or with the hymn O Holy Night.)  Personally, professionally – in fact, in every way – he was a shining example of what a true Catholic gentleman should be.  We wonder if, in similar circumstances (i.e., facing the temptations to which a rich and famous personage is exposed), this parishioner would have led as exemplary a life as Mr. Como did.  We think not. 

But, apparently, Mr. Como did not measure up to this parishioner’s “standards,” just as, in our Lord’s parable, that publican didn’t measure up to the Pharisee’s “standards.”  And (besides that), what makes his slanderous remarks about Mr. Como so hypocritical is that, when he made them, he was simultaneously trying to squelch rumors then circulating about Dannie and Tony.  It was okay for him to slander Mr. Como, but not for anyone else to do the same for Dannie and Tony -- another shining example of the double-standard hypocrisy that pervades SGG.  (But that’s to be expected: he was only emulating his cult-masters’ behavior.) 

5 And much damage has been done.  Not only have people’s wallets been drained by the cult-masters; but, more importantly, there has been much spiritual harm done – perhaps irreparable harm – especially to the younger generation.  Many of the culties’ children, for instance, being not so gullible as their parents, have seen through the double-standard hypocrisy of the cult-masters; and they have become disillusioned to the point where they have lost their Faith.  And even for those who (as yet) haven’t, their disillusionment will inevitably come – but it will be greater.


  1. I think you'll wait a long time for the Culties to admit that they might be wrong about SGG. The Democrats will turn on Hillary before the Culties get out of West Chester.

  2. Don't forget - the culties of CMRI are close cousins to the culties of SGG.

  3. As Shakespeare might put it, “Methinks that thou art right.” The culties are either too IGNORANT and/or too GULLIBLE to do anything else – or too PROUD to admit that they are wrong about Dannie and Tony. And the other anonymous is right, too, about the CMRI: they now seem to be in bed with Dannie and Tony. Some of their “clergy” have been making contact with them of late; and CMRI’s Mt. St. Michael’s recently referred to Tony as “one of the foremost traditional theologians and apologists of our times.” Tony a theologian? That’s like calling Josef Stalin a great HUMANITARIAN.

    What makes exposing the CMRI so difficult is that they “keep a low profile.” Unlike Tony, they don’t try to ruffle feathers – at least PUBLICLY. Instead, they do things clandestinely. For instance, Pivarunas told some wealthy donors of his that it was okay for their daughter to get a heart transplant (which involves harvesting a heart from a living donor, then “pulling the plug”). But he kept it “under wraps” to avoid controversy (or detection). So, he’s just as guilty as Tony was about Schiavo – but not as “vocal.”

    The problem with culties – actually, with people in general – is that when it comes to “religion,” many become “letter-of-the-law” (and ignore its SPIRIT); and they are easily duped by hucksters with specious arguments and lots of glitz; and otherwise “rational” people become IRRATIONAL. (Said another way, “intelligence and wisdom are two different things.”) Once people are won over by these snake-oil salesmen who tell them what they want to hear (or, more probably, show them what they want to see), it’s almost impossible to dislodge them from their beliefs.

    What we at LAY PULPIT (and PISTRINA LITURGICA) try to do is to present people with the FACTS – and hope that they take the initiative to EXPLORE them. That’s all we can do. As they say, “You can lead a horse to water…”

    1. Very disheartening about CMRI. While I keep all of organizations at arms length and watch with a critical eye, I was hoping that they were better than that....

    2. Yes, it’s disheartening; but it’s at least reassuring to have found out “before it’s too late,” so to speak. Although there may be some individual CMRI priests who are of good will, etc.,, one must remember that – in almost all cases – their formation is woefully inadequate. They are, at best, “simplex” priests, and cannot be trusted to render sound judgments on questions dealing with complex moral issues. (After all, if their “leader” can make a misjudgment in that heart transplant case, how can his “inferiors” be trusted?) The training to make such judgments is TOTALLY ABSENT FROM their curriculum (not to mention, totally absent in the formation of Pivarunas himself). Like the rest of Cultlandia, they’re rank amateurs and charlatans.

      You will also find, if you scratch beneath the surface, that Pivarunas is just as mercenary and worldly as Dannie, Tony, and Big Don. It’s just that his is not as well-publicized as that of those other three.

    3. I meant my” burlesque club” comment to be tongue in cheek. I was sort of joshing around as per the previous nudist camp comments. (Unfortunately this program doesn’t seem to allow for emoticons, which to some may be juvenile, but can be beneficial in distinguishing a serious comment from one of levity or satire.) I am sorry if there was any misunderstanding – mea culpa.

      Back in the day, in the 70s, short shorts and halter tops were a most defined, definite trend or fashion, and were composed of minimal fabric, intended to show off the female anatomy. Short shorts were called hot pants and the halter top was most revealing. This is how I interpreted the terms used in the original account. Unless I know otherwise, I take all comments made on this forum at face value, emoticons or not.

      But, on the other hand, you could have 10 traddies, all at the same time, see this woman, and all could see a different outfit, and might use descriptive terminology out of context. Who knows. You could have a trad woman in full medieval burka in a supermarket being gawked at by a traddie and if she reaches for a can of sanctimony or bends over to check out a bottle of pompousness, and accidentally exposes her ankles, a clothing sin will be declared! (joke, sort of)

      If this woman is a role model at her cult compound and preaches to others as to how to dress properly, by all means she should’ve been reported to the leaders of her cult. Sinburn is constantly preaching about how women shouldn’t dress and she personally violated his mandates. Isn’t tattling and reporting to the leader of the cult an obligation of the followers? Isn’t this how the leader controls his subjects?
      Of course if she is from one of the big 3 families it will be overlooked. Why bother then? Assuming the person who saw her is one of the underlings at the cult, perhaps this reporting to Sinburn might be a revelation to him/her in what a farce his rendition of our religion actually is. It could be a step in getting out of there. Mission accomplished.

    4. Dear anon. Aug. 31, 9:47 AM: I’m a bit confused here. Our “nudist camp” comment and your “burlesque club” comment were both made -- but on ANOTHER article: “Catholics(?).” And, as we also agree, they were BOTH made tongue-in-cheek. We’re not sure who was the one, if any, who misinterpreted your comment as NOT being humorous; but we can assure you that we at Lay Pulpit interpreted it as you intended: “tongue-in-cheek.”

      Yes, we concur that in the “short shorts” days (or “hot pants” days, both of which “eras” we lived through), that attire was “scanty” by anybody’s definition – and that was the connotation we meant to express in our original comment. And we also agree with your “on the other hand” observations (about the ten traddies all seeing this woman’s outfit “differently,” and about her dress being overlooked if she were one of “the big 3 families.” etc.)

      Bottom line: “we” (Lay Pulpit, you, and the other commenters) are “all on the same page” when it comes to these deranged culties – both at MHT and at SGG. They’re all about hypocrisy, double standards, and everything else that goes along with being a cult.
