Saturday, June 25, 2016

Why Lay Boards? Here’s Why

The SGG school scandals of 2009 affected not only SGG itself, but its satellite parishes (especially St. Clare’s in Columbus, Ohio) as well.  Actually, St. Clare’s was being “affected” even prior to that – back as far as the 1990’s, when Fr. Ferrera was its pastor.  Dannie and Tony were dissatisfied with him – perhaps because he was not channeling enough money back to the parent cult center.  But, in any event, they dismissed him.1  This didn’t go down too well with St. Clare’s parishioners, most of whom liked Fr. Ferrera very much – especially when he was replaced with the Latino lunatic, Fr. Oscar Saavedra, with whom the parishioners were thoroughly disgruntled and bewildered.  (Saavedra was then followed by a series of replacements, the last of whom was Fr. Marcus Ramolla.)

For those who recall the 2009 SGG school scandals, it was Ramolla who was installed by Dannie as the school’s principal.  This was done at the insistence of SGG’s irate parishioners, who wanted Lotarski (the school’s principal) fired, and then replaced by Ramolla.  This “concession” of Dannie’s lasted exactly one week.  As things turned out, Lotarski was NOT fired, but “demoted,” whereupon Ramolla (after that one week) was fired, and Lotarski reinstalled as principal.  (Dannie, of course, trumped up some charges against Ramolla to justify his firing.)

Well, this firing was “the last straw” for St. Clare’s parishioners, most of whom were satisfied with Ramolla – and most of whom then left.  Dannie and Tony countered by selling the church; and, because Dannie and Tony were its legal owners, they pocketed the proceeds from the sale.  What made it even worse was that, in addition to that, they also confiscated St. Clare’s building fund – an additional $120,000 ($123,664, to be exact) – and St. Clare’s parishioners could do NOTHING about it.  Why?  Because everything was signed over to Dannie and Tony, that’s why.  If St. Clare’s had been owned and controlled by a lay board, that would have never happened.  But it did.  These parishioners -- who paid for that church (and put over $120,000 into a building fund for improvements that were never implemented) -- saw their money go up in smoke.  They came away empty-handed.

And that is precisely why every “trad” church or chapel should have a LAY BOARD.  “But,” one may protest, “the Church -- not the laity -- has always owned (and controlled) its churches!”  Yes, that is true.  But Tradistan is NOT the Church.  All traditional churches and chapels are outside the Church.  And, being outside the Church, they cannot claim that same right.  They have absolutely no authority or jurisdiction whatsoever.  And, of course, unlike the institutional Church, there is no hierarchy to whom they are accountable.  In Traddieland, the “clergy” are answerable to NO ONE but themselves.  Therefore, left unchecked, they can do whatever they please, and no one can legally challenge them or stop them.  That, in a nutshell, is the problem: no accountability.  If there is no lay board, the “clergy” have a blank check -- and the laity must pick up the tab.

And that is exactly how things have played out in Traddieland – especially at the SGG and MHT cult centers.  Dannie and Tony, for instance, suckered their parishioners into moving from a perfectly adequate (and paid for) facility in Sharonville, Ohio to a new one (in West Chester, Ohio) that is falling apart around them: leaky roof, raccoon (and rodent) infestations, and an HVAC system that has had to be replaced – all within the span of fifteen years.  Dannie’s new “sermon in stone” turned out to be a “sermon in dilapidation.”  And the new “school” that was so “direly needed”?  That, for the most part, has become a repository for Dannie and Tony’s junk.  (The student enrollment has never been more than a couple dozen kids, which could have been housed in one or two rooms.)  The same is true for the MHT cult center: the school enrollment is just as anemic (as is the “seminary” enrollment), although the physical facilities were built to house many more.  The school, in fact, has almost as many faculty as there are students (who spend half their day at “choir practice” and/or house-cleaning for the “clergy”).

And what do the parishioners get for bankrolling these thieves?  Not much.  Oh yes, they get “the show” (and their kids get a woefully sub-standard education), and that’s about it.  Meanwhile, Dannie and Tony trek the globe on pointless (and fruitless) “apostolates,”2 while back home at the cult center, they lay down draconian rules that the parishioners must follow (or be kicked out). 3   The same holds true at MHT, which is even worse.  The kids, for instance, are instructed by the nuns to spy on their parents and to report back any “infractions” (such as having a TV in the home, using the internet without “school” permission, going to movies, or cavorting with “unauthorized” friends (i.e., anybody who is not a member of the cult).  This is the kind of totalitarian crap the parishioners must pay for and put up with – or leave.

At the cult centers, people are routinely denied the sacraments (and sometimes even banned from the property) if they disobey any of the cult-masters’ “rules” (or if they challenge the cult-masters in any way).  It is a common tool that the cult-masters use to keep their culties in line.  (In the institutional Church, such a thing is unthinkable.)4  In short, in Trrddieland's “clergy” controlled facilities, the laity has no leverage whatsoever.  One obeys – or one leaves.  And another thing: in the institutional Church, a church facility was NEVER sold out from under the parishioners’ noses, like it was at St. Clare’s – and any proceeds from a sale went into the diocesan treasury, NOT into the pastor’s pocket.

For these and many other reasons, that is why it is so important to have a lay board controlling “the material end of things.”  (It also helps to ensure that the clergy’s minds are on spiritual matters, and not being tempted into becoming too  worldly or materialistic.) But even that alone doesn’t guarantee “safety.”  A board is only as strong as its members.  If they are weak-willed and gullible, they can be talked into changing their bylaws, and turning over their facility to an unscrupulous cult-master.  That is what is going on right now at Our Lady of the Sun Church in Arizona.  Big Don has been pushing for them to turn over control of their church to him, but (as yet) they have resisted.  However, if he can convince the majority of their board members to do so, that is another matter.

The reason, of course, is that the Donster desperately needs money to fund his latest scheme (his new “order”); and OLS is the only thing on his radar screen right now.  (As Pistrina pointed out, the “main families” at MHT won’t fall for it, because – when the Marquis de Selway becomes bishop -- all their monetary support will go to him, not to Big Don, from then on.)  If the OLS board turns over control to the Donster, they can kiss their facility goodbye.  It will become Our Lady of the Dispossessed.  Again, Big Don desperately needs money for his new scheme, and OLS is his only real prospect right now.  Let us hope that the OLS folks (for their own sake) do not fall for his sales pitch.

It is interesting to note that in Europe, the state, not the Church, owns the physical facilities – and not without cause: the corruption in the Church in the later Middle Ages did much to bring this about.  For one thing, the pope had by then become as much a temporal ruler as a religious one; and the Church became materially rich (and corrupted) in many ways.  The Protestant Revolt, in fact, was  in many ways as much an economic revolt as it was a religious one.  If the Church had stuck to a purely spiritual role, Christendom probably wouldn’t be divided as it is today – nor would Traddieland.  

The self-serving cult-masters in Tradistan are simply emulating, on a smaller scale, what the Church did back then – except that they are emulating all of its bad parts, but none of its good: they kept all the tinsel and the lavish life-style, but not Catholic morality.  That’s because they don’t care about morality, but about money – and about themselves.  Their “morality” is simply a perverted Puritanism that condemns women’s hemlines being too short, but condones watching porn and fornication (as long as it’s the principal’s sons doing it), and that condones the starving and dehydrating to death of a Terri Schiavo (or okays the harvesting of someone’s heart for a transplant, as long as the recipient is the child of a rich parishioner).

The cult-masters are, in fact, worse than Bergoglio, because they try to pass themselves off as “the real thing” when they aren’t.  Come the Restoration, when the Church gets back to its real roots, Tradistan will die on the vine, just like other bad seed that was sown along the way.  For now, it is our sincere hope that the folks at OLS will recognize them for what they are – self-seeking parasites – and will not succumb to their siren song, because, if they do, they’ll certainly lose their property to these corporate raiders.  If they will only look around, they’ll find that they have plenty of other choices – viable choices – of good, selfless men of sound moral character, who will provide a healthy, Catholic atmosphere.  Let’s hope that they do.

1 Ferrera was well-liked by many of his parishioners, and was probably becoming too popular (and “independent”) for Dannie’s liking.  (For one thing, he probably wasn’t plowing enough money – especially “stipend” money -- back into the parent cult center coffers.)  So, how did Dannie manage to get rid of him?  Well, St. Clare’s altar happened to have statues of two angels – one on either side of it.  And one day, Dannie called Fr. Ferrera, and (inexplicably) ordered him to remove these statues.  Fr. Ferrera (naturally) refused.  For this “disobedience,” Dannie dismissed him.  The statues, by the way, were later re-installed on either side of the altar, which tells us that Dannie, knowing that Ferrera would vehemently oppose their removal, used their removal as a pretext for getting him upset and protesting it – a tactic that worked.  When Ferrera “talked back” to him, Dannie fired him on the spot.

And speaking of religious objects, we’re sure that many at SGG recall the picture of the scourged Christ that Dannie puts on display there quite often (especially during Lent).  That statue actually belongs to the Bruegger family (from Urbana, Ohio), who were major supporters of St. Clare’s.  They lent that statue to Dannie, with the understanding that it was theirs, not his, and that it would be returned one day.  Eventually, after the 2009 SGG school scandals, that family became disenchanted with Dannie, and left.  When they asked Dannie to return their statue, he refused.  He kept it.  Dannie has done that with other “lent” items as well.  Dannie is, in short, a thief.

2 Dannie’s latest “apostolate” is – believe it or not -- Quito, Ecuador!  It seems that Dannie has been rejected in Mexico (as he also was in France), and he must look for new “territory” to give his culties the impression that he has a vast “international apostolate.”  Of course, it will be only a matter of time before the Ecuadorians “find him out” as well, leaving him with only that small splinter group in Argentina as his Latin American “turf.”

3 Many who protested about the 2009 SGG school scandals were kicked out by Dannie – not only at SGG, but at St. Clare’s and St. Hugh of Lincoln as well.  (Many were barred, by police order, from the property.)  And others were denied the sacraments for things such as attending an SSPX chapel while on vacation.

4 To be denied the sacraments in the institutional Church, one had to have committed something really grave; and to be banned from the property, one had to be guilty of criminal trespassing.  But at the cult centers, having gone to an unauthorized chapel gets you denied the sacraments; and complaining to the pastor about abuses at the school got many of them barred from the property.


  1. Where is that 120,000 plus the money from the sale of the building? SGG is always asking for money to fix things. How about using this money? Or was this money set aside for the vacations to the Bishop's Lodge?

  2. It’s hard to say exactly where it went, but you can bet that it didn’t go for upgrading St. Clare’s (or SGG’s) facility. You’re probably “right on” when you guess that it went for a good time at the Bishop’s Lodge. In any event, you can also bet that the parishioners didn’t see any of it. The cult-masters’ “finances” are a complete, labyrinthine mystery – another reason why there should’ve been a lay board there to ensure financial accountability (amongst other things).

  3. A few years back, I came across a comment by an ex-seminarian (of SSPX) that Dannie and Checkie had cheated Abp. Lefebvre of church property in USA. It seems that the archbishop himself had sent the money from Switzerland to acquire the property in USA, and that his instructions to Dannie/Checkie were that the names of the corporation's director/shareholder should be officially changed to that of the archbishop. The story goes that Dannie/Checkie kept saying "yes, yes, monsignor ... we will change it" but kept delaying and never did it. Then came the lawsuit, and the corporation's records showed that the archbishop was neither the director nor shareholder. That was how Dannie/Checkie wrested the property out of the hands of the archbishop.

    Is any one here able to confirm or deny the accuracy of the above?

    1. TRRadio had a podcast that included some discussion on this. Fr. Cekada was one of the participants.

  4. This is the first we've heard go this; but it surely sounds like something that Dannie and Checkie would do -- and it won't have been the first (or last) time that they've swindled somebody. Hopefully, one of our readers who can confirm this story will send in a comment to that effect.

  5. Fr. Cekada admits to not turning over control of the corporations controlling SSPX property in the U.S. in his article "The Nine vs. Lefebvre". In addition, the Nine took out mortgages on properties that were supposed to be turned over to the SSPX (the mortgages had been paid off by the time they had to turn them over).

  6. Nothing that Checkie or other trad trash does surprises us. They have a long history of swindling and exploitation. Thanks for the update!

  7. IF Checkie really and truly swindled the SSPX/Abp. Lefebvre out of property; and IF he did not confess nor make restitution; and all the while saying Mass in great style - wouldn't such Masses be sacrilegious?

    If he considers himself to be so learned in theology as to teach others, he should at the very least acquaint himself with what St. Alphonsus Liguori has written about priests who say sacrilegious Masses.

  8. Well, it's good to hear that at least you're against watching pornography. That's a good sign. But your friend over at Pistrina Liturgica isn't, though. That supposedly "Hungarian" friend of yours over at Pistrina, with his JEW name, devoted his entire life to working for the public "skewl" system in the United States, which forces innocent children to watch pornography in the name of "sex education". You're worried about one errant teenager sneaking off to watch porn on a computer? Maybe you should worry about entire classrooms of children being FORCED to watch porn in the CLASSROOM, in the name of "sex education", which was condemned by Pope Pius XI and Pope Pius XII, not to mention the fact that watching pornography is against the moral law. And forcing CHILDREN to watch porn is a HEINOUS PERVERSION. Your friend Craig (which BTW is NOT the name of ANY Christian saint on record, FYI), and whose last name is *suspiciously Jewish*, spent his life working for the public skewl system. Does that tell you anything? Maybe this guy isn't as "innocent" as you think he is, especially if he devoted his LIFE to working for people who SHOVE PORN DOWN THE THROATS OF INNOCENT CHILDREN.

    1. Wow! So, a non-saint name could mean a few things: 1. Someone wasn't raised Catholic, but chose to become Catholic. 2. The parents did the naming, which means it was not a child's choice. 3. About a dozen other explanations.

      Then you went down the slippery slope of a public school employee promotes pornography? Unbelievable! Where did you learn your logic and critical thinking? Mht or Sgg? Sex education is obviously not the role of public schools, but to claim anyone working there promotes it? That is sick.

      Yet, claiming that one little boy snuck off to watch the pornography on a Catholic school's computer is acceptable? Where do you think that teenager went back and reported what he saw? He probably had his own perverted sex Ed class with the fellow catholic school students whose parents assummed that they were being protected from such things.

      And then the bigotry of someone with a "Jew" name? You can't be serious.

      I think you need to do some serious soul searching because not only do your comments not make sense, but they are truly unCatholic.

    2. Well said, Anon. 6:37 AM.! Of course, Anon. 11:30 PM made so many “boo-boos,” it’s hard to know where to begin to catalogue them – but let me try. To begin with, it wasn’t ONE “errant teenager” watching porn, nor was it a one-time occurrence, nor was it just “porn.” But, no matter many times it was (as you correctly surmised) does not justify it. Second, working in the public school system does not make one a “proponent” of everything that system stands for. And thirdly (as you also correctly surmised), the other anon. is blatantly bigoted. OUR LORD was Jewish. I wonder if that other Anon. condemns Him for that!!

      If I were Dannie, Tony, or Donnie, I’d ERASE Anon.’s comment, because it would be an EMBARRASSMENT for me: it is a PERFECT example of what kind of brain-dead cultie defends those scum. Hence, we’ll leave it up for all the world to see (and to get a good belly laugh!!)

    3. אַנאָנימע באַנוצערס 7/2 11:30 האט פּרוווד אַז ער איז אַ עכט באָלוואַן.

    4. Actually, Our Lord had some pretty severe thing to say to the Pharisaical Jews of his time whose descendants are today's Talmudists. The Talmud - wonderful book that it is - has Jesus burning in Hell in boiling excrement.

      The Jews have been revolutionaries against Christ and his Church ever since they had Him crucified. The Spanish Inquisition was instituted to root out those Jews who had pretended to convert to Catholicism in order to subvert both Church and State. Of course, there were genuinely Catholic Jews too. St Teresa of Avila, who was of Conversos descent, was herself investigated by the Inquisition.

      Since Vatican II, the Vatican has completely sold out to the agents of the ADL and B'Nai B'rith. The only time that Frankie looks solemn and pious is when he's at some "Holocaust" memorial or other. "Saint" John Paul II covered up the crucifixes and statues in the Vatican when he entertained his Jewish friend, the maestro, James Levine.

    5. Yes indeed, Mary, “Franken-pope,” JP2, and the others. have, since Vatican II, sold out to the Talmudists – and have done so openly and blatantly. We can easily spot them as the bad shepherds that they are. Cult-masters like Dannie and Tony, however, disguise themselves as “good shepherds,” when in fact they are NOT. They are self-seeking, self-appointed “authorities” (who have NO authority) who prey on innocent people, giving them the COSMETICS of Catholicism but not its SUBSTANCE.

      Dannie and Tony (and Donny) are the quintessential WOLVES IN SHEEP’S CLOTHING. As the article pointed out, Dannie and Tony concentrate on the “tinsel,” while COMPLETELY IGNORING Catholic morality. This makes them DOUBLY DANGEROUS to the trusting and the credulous: Bergie and the rest are easily identifiable, but these “wolves in sheep’s clothing” are not.
