Saturday, November 21, 2015

Paris: a Wake-up Call?

Editor’s Note:  This article is a “special edition” of Lay Pulpit.  Ordinarily, we would not be publishing until next week; but in light of the recent terrorist events in Paris, we thought it timely to say something – and to repeat, at least in part, a message that we’ve said before.  Our “regular” readers will notice that much of this article is excerpted from a previous article (the repeated part is shown in green print).  But, in light of what happened in Paris, that same message needs to be repeated again – especially for any new readers.  Because of that, this article is rather long.  For that, we beg the reader’s indulgence; but we think it essential that it all be said.

It has been a little over a week since the horrific attack in Paris by “Moslem extremists.”  No doubt it has been “condemned” not only by secular leaders and Christian leaders around the world, but also by “moderate Islam” as well.  To this we must say “HORSE DUNG.”  There is NO SUCH THING as “moderate Islam.”  Islam, in and of itself, is RADICAL.  It is a “religion” of HATE, and its goal is the forcible and VIOLENT overthrow of Christianity.  Period.  There are those – including most who condemned these “extremists” -- who will say that these ISIS operatives (or whoever they are) are a “small minority,” and that most Moslems do not support them.  Again, “HORSE DUNG.”  Yes, they may be a small numerical minority, but they seem to have the support – tacit or otherwise – of the majority of their Moslem brethren.  Surely, in a world with literally billions of Moslems, some can use their influence to curb these extremists, but they won’t – and haven’t.  And, in a world of billions of Moslems, why is it Christian Europe’s “responsibility” to take in those Syrian “refugees”?  Why not their Moslem brethren?

Islam not radical?  Islam not a religion of hate?  Islam a religion of peace?  The Koran itself says otherwise, as the following sampling of its “suras” (chapters) will attest:

2:191: And fight the infidels, wherever you find them; and expel them from the place they have turned you out from. 2:193: Fight them until idolatry comes to an end, and the law of Allah prevails.  4:24Also forbidden are married women, unless they are captives of war: such is the decree of Allah.  (What they’re talking about here is who a man can or cannot have sex with; so what they’re doing is ratifying the rape of women captured in a jihad.)  4:24: They give those of these women you have enjoyed the agreed dower.  It will not be faithful if you have agreed to something else by mutual consent, after having settled the dowry.  Allah is certainly all-knowing and all wise.  (What this verse is doing is ratifying prostitution; if a man pays a woman a “dower” or dowry, i.e., a certain quantity of money, he can have sex with her without obligation.) 4:34 (This is talking to a man, one of whose many wives will not have sex with him willingly):  As for women who you feel are averse, talk to them persuasively, then leave them alone in bed without molesting them, then beat them, then go to bed with them when they are willing.  (This ratifies beating your wife if she won’t have sex with you.)  5:33The punishment for those who wage war against Allah and his prophet [Mohammed] is to kill or crucify them, and have a hand on one side and a foot on the other cut off8:12And Allah said to the angel, ‘I am with you; go and strengthen the faithful.  I shall fill the hearts of the infidels with terror, so smite them on their necks and incapacitate them. (i.e., a  call to behead all infidels)  9:29: Fight those among the People of the Book [i.e., Christians] who do not believe in Allah nor the Last Day, nor forbid what Allah and His Messenger have forbidden, nor embrace the religion of truth [i.e., Islam], until they pay the jizya [tribute] with willing submission and feel themselves subdued.  9:80Whether you plead forgiveness for them or not, Allah will not forgive them, even though you plead seventy times, for they disbelieve in Allah and his apostle; and Allah does not show transgressors the way. (A loving, forgiving God?)  13:42Sure those who have gone before them did deceive, but Allah is all deceiving, for he has knowledge of what each does. (This is calling God a deceiver and liar, which, of course, implies that Allah’s true identity is Satan.)  23:1The true believers will be successful who are humble in their service who shun all frivolities, who strive for betterment, who guard their sex except from their wives and their women slaves of old [This ratifies concubines].  52:24 (regarding man-boy sex):  And young boys, like pearls within their shells, will go around; and 56:17Boys of never-ending bloom [pubescence] will pass around them cups and decanters; and then 76:19And boys of everlasting youth will go about attending them.  Looking at them, you would think that they were pearls dispersed.   (This is an allusion to the Islamic sponsorship of pedophilia, and of looking on young boys as sex objects.  Most boys in Islamic cultures do not escape childhood without being anally and orally raped, according to speaker.)  55:4: As for your women who have lost hope of menstruation and in case you have doubts, the prescribed period of waiting for them is three months, as also for those who are not menstruating yet. (What this is doing is ratifying the violation of pre-pubescent girls, i.e., pre-puberty girls.)

Allah, then, as is evident from those excerpts (which are just a sampling), is a vengeful, deceiving “God” who justifies (and indeed prescribes) the rape and beating of women, sex with minors, prostitution, wanton slaughter (usually by beheading) of “infidels” (including women and children), and even pedophilia.  Is this the kind of God that IS God?  NO.  The speaker in the video contends that “Allah” is actually Satan; and she is probably right -- for NO God would condone such things and still BE God. 

Islam, both in word and in practice, is EVIL.  The modern, media-orchestrated notion of Islam as “tolerant” is a total MYTH.  Islam never was tolerant – and never will be.  The irony of it all is that these media that portray the Moslems as “tolerant” are, by and large, Zionist controlled – and the Zionists and Moslem Arabs are portrayed as archenemies.  But the truth is, this is only cosmetic: they’re both “on the same team.”  They’re both belligerently vindictive; they’re both not about forgiveness, but about “eye-for-an-eye” retaliation, retribution -- about vengeance; and they’re both out to destroy Christianity, except that the Moslems do it with “swords” (and very clumsily) -- while the Zionists do it with “cash registers” and “Hollywood”  (but much more subtly).

The notion of Moslem “benevolence” is quickly dispelled when sees what they really practice: women are genitally mutilated with the express purpose of maximizing the man’s sexual pleasure -- and the woman’s pain and suffering.  A man can be unfaithful, can fornicate at will, can have limitless “wives,” and can divorce a woman on any pretext – with total impunity.  Yet when a woman does the same, she is beheaded or stoned to death.  A man can wear as much (or as little) as he wants; but a woman, to be a “true” Moslem, must be covered from head to toe -- with a mask over her face.  Young, pre-puberty Moslem girls are routinely “sold” to seedy, middle-aged men as “wives” (that is, to be sex slaves for middle-aged pedophilic perverts).  Indeed, the selling of young girls as sex slaves is big business throughout the Islamic world – an embarrassing, damning reality.

Our media have routinely claimed that in the past, the Moslems came as benevolent, tolerant conquerors, and that Christian conquerors were, in contrast, butchers -- when in fact the opposite was true.  When Moslems conquered Christian lands, they wantonly butchered the “infidels” (as the Koran and “Allah” commanded); and the women were wantonly raped and/or sold as slaves into harems – practices that routinely go on to this day: just recently, reports of whole villages – including women and children -- being slaughtered by Islamic militants (usually by beheading) have been confirmed by independent sources.  And the selling of young girls as sex slaves has already been noted -- a widely recognized (and accepted) practice in Moslem countries throughout the world. 

It is interesting to note, too, what the Islamic notion of Heaven is: in the Koran’s own words, it is a “garden of earthly delights” – a sensual Valhalla where each man is attended to (and sexually satisfied) by “a hundred virgins.”  “Heaven,” then, is little more than an eternal sex orgy, where men are in a never-ending state of hormonal ecstasy – while women are servile non-entities, whose only function there is to provide that ecstasy. Wow!  Any woman who subscribes to that sort of nonsense must be either an IDIOT or (literally) a damned fool  -- and so must any man: to believe that something as accidental as one’s gender rewards the one with eternal bliss while condemning the other to nameless, mindless servitude), is a  notion that is utterly absurd to any rational being.

It is also interesting to note that in the aforementioned YouTube video about Islam, the speaker was a woman – and probably not Catholic at that.  (Actually, she appeared in two videos: the first video dealt with her reply to comments made by U.S. Senator Lindsay Graham (R, South Carolina) on a nationally televised show (Face the Nation), where he proposed restricting Americans from burning the Koran (but said nothing, of course, about Moslems burning our flag and our Bible).  Both videos are excellent, and the woman is very articulate – and brave.  To the tinhorn potentates of Traddieland (such as Daniel Dolan and Anthony Cekada), she probably comes across as a “whining woman” – probably with a “feminist agenda.”  And, being the puritanical prudes that they (and their cultlings) are, they probably “ding” her as well for her “language” (she calls Allah a “sonofabitch” several times during the video, and she uses some “anatomical” metaphors).

As we stated in the original article from which the foregoing was taken (the portion in green print), good men (i.e., priests) must take the lead in effecting the final triumph of Christianity.  But we also noted that, although Islam is evil, there are many Moslems who are good, decent people who abhor what happened in Paris.  However, that’s not enough.  In the end, they must REJECT Islam in toto because, as the Koran’s own words proclaim, it prescribes things that are openly immoral and evil.  It is a FALSE creed.  The Moslems who lead “good, decent lives” are doing so because they are practicing what Christianity teaches, not what Islam teaches.  They are, in practice, leading Christian lives – so why not then take the next logical step, and become Christian?

Peace in this world will not come about by us getting rid of “bad” Moslems, and finding accommodation with “good” Moslems – because Islam itself is EVIL.  How can a “religion” whose Koran says what it does be anything but that?  Moslems must become Christian.  But so must “Christian Europe.”  Europe, unfortunately, is only nominally Christian, but not Christian in fact.  It was sadly ironic, after the Paris attacks, how everyone was “showing their support for France”: the Brits even sang the Marseillaise  (France’s national anthem) – a Godless song that celebrated a Godless, anti-Christian revolution.

Appealing to “national pride,” or showing “international solidarity” isn’t going to stop any evil, nor is crushing “extremist Islam” by military force going to do it.  That will only “treat the symptom,” and temporarily subdue a seething resentment that will surely surface again (just as World War I’s Versailles Treaty subdued a resentment, only to see it come back again – with terrible results). Permanent peace will only happen when the “cause” not the symptom -- is treated, i.e., when Europe wakes up and realizes that getting back to their Christian roots – not “solidarity” -- is what really counts.

The present course that Europe is on is SUICIDE: letting in millions of Moslem “refugees,” when they KNOW that many of them will inevitably be terrorists – that this is a Trojan Horse that could DESTROY Western Christian civilization.  It is an INSANE policy that the vast majority of Europe’s people reject but their governments approve.  There have been many reports – especially on “social media” – of what the so-called “refugees” are really about (see attached video); but the mainstream media are strangely SILENT.  Why?  Because, again, they are Zionist controlled.  The Zionists do not WANT peace in the Middle East.  (They have demonstrated that time and again: every time there has been an Israeli-Arab "peace initiative," it has been the Israelis who have "torpedoed" it.)*

Moslems need to understand this.  They need to realize that we, like they, are just pawns in the Zionist chess game – and that both they and we are losers in that game.**  But what they must also realize, in the end, is that their “religion” – Islam – is evil.  They need to ask themselves this: How can a creed that calls itself “benevolent” and “peaceful” not only condone but prescribe -- right there in writing in its “holy book” -– the killing of its enemies, and the raping of their women?  How can a deceitful and vengeful God be a good God?    How can a creed that warrants prostitution and pedophilia be the “true” religion? The answer, of course, is that it cannot.  Only Christianity preaches a message of charity and forgiveness – of “doing unto others as you would have them do unto you.”  And only Catholic Christianity gets that message right.***  Again, today’s Moslems must come to embrace the Christian principles that many of them are now practicing.  Ultimately, they must reject Islam.

But given the present “climate” – the Godless, amoral hedonism of the West, and the blind fanaticism of the ISIS terrorists -- that’s not likely to happen any time soon (nor is it realistic to expect that “moderate” Moslems will just “fold up their tent” and become Christian overnight).****  And it will, we fear, take something much more cataclysmic than the “Paris attacks” to effect that kind of change.  The good news is that it will happen, because Our Lord promised us that He will be with us “all days, even unto the consummation of the world” and that He will “put enmities between thee [Satan] and the woman [Mary], and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel.” 

These indeed are consoling words, but just what exactly do they mean?  How will they “play out”?  What we think (and hope) that they mean is that Islam, as well as all other false creeds, will ultimately fall; and Christ’s Church will triumph.  As things stand now, this is a hard scene to envisage.  Will it come by degrees, or will it take a cataclysmic event to put things to right?  There are many speculations and predictions on what will happen, and when.  But whichever way it happens, all pretty much agree that it is not likely to happen painlessly.

* Of course, "Israel" came into being back in 1948 by dispossessing the Palestinians of their own land, and by doing so with our "blessing" -- and help.  So, it's no wonder why they hate us -- but that's a subject for a whole other article.

** One thing for sure: we’ll never get the “straight scoop” from the mainstream media -- just as we never got it from them about all the chaos the “refugees” are creating (again, see video) – for reasons already noted.  It is entirely possible, for instance, that these “ISIS” people are funded (and orchestrated) by Zionist agents.  That might sound absurd; but remember, they control the mainstream media -- and where is all our news coverage of the recent events in Paris coming from?

Alternately, ISIS might be funded by wealthy Moslems.  The problem is, we just don’t know, because what we “hear,” again, goes through the mainstream media “filter.” We don’t have a crystal ball, so we can only speculate.  But one thing we can ask ourselves is this: who would benefit from us and the Moslems going head-to-head in combat?  (Hint: it won’t be either of us.)  So, if the rest of the Moslem world is tacitly supporting ISIS, they would do well to reconsider: such a policy is not in their best interest – short-term or long-term.

*** Protestantism, for a multitude of reasons, doesn’t “get it right.”  For one thing, it preaches “fides sola”: that faith alone is all that is required for salvation – that, regardless of one’s deeds (or misdeeds), he is “saved” as long as he “accepts Christ.”  It’s kind of odd, isn’t it: Islam prescribes that one must rape, pillage, steal, lie, and murder in order to be “saved,” while the Protestantism preaches that it isn’t necessary to do anything at all to be saved – except to “accept Jesus.”  So, in the one case, one is saved, so to speak, by “overdoing it,” and in the other by “under-doing it.”  It is only Catholicism that strikes the right balance: that we must be responsible for our actions (and that those actions must be just and charitable), and that it takes both faith and good works to gain salvation.  Catholicism offers the only rational alternative for salvation.  The other two, Protestantism and Islam, will -- if “put under a microscope” -- be found to be philosophically, logically, and morally absurd.

**** We wonder, too, just how “moderate” the “moderate Moslems” really are.  As we stated in this article’s opening remarks, there seems to be a general apathy on their part, when they see all this terrorist activity going on, to do much about it.  While they publicly deplore it, are they secretly applauding or encouraging it?  One thing for sure: the rest of the Moslem world (the Saudis, for instance) doesn’t seem to be going out of its way to stop this terrorism (nor, as we also noted before, are they volunteering to take in any of their Moslem brethren as “refugees”).  Do they not have any influence where any of this is concerned?  What are their real intentions? Again, we just don’t know.  

Another thing: “moderate” Moslems say that these terrorists “don’t represent Islam.”  They say that it a “peace-loving religion.”  That isn’t quite true: in many Moslem countries, non-Moslems are persecuted, and, in many cases, not allowed to practice their religion at all –  in Saudi Arabia, for example.  Non-Moslem worship is forbidden there; and one cannot wear (or even bring in) a religious object to that country -- yet they demand “freedom of worship” when they enter Western countries.  (Ironically, under Saddam Hussein in Iraq, Christians were entirely free to worship, as they are under Assad in Syria.  Kind of makes one wonder why we toppled the one, and are trying to do the same to the other, doesn’t it?)

Another thing: it is not only ISIS or Al Qaida who are troublemakers.  In many countries where Moslems are in a pluralistic society, they engage in terrorist activity – in several African countries and in the Philippines, for instance.  In some cases, they even cause problems for other countries (the Pakistani terrorist activity in India, for instance).  It is never a case of Christians causing trouble in Moslem countries; it’s always the other way around. Wherever Islam is, it is usually intolerant and belligerent.  They want “peaceful coexistence” and “tolerance” from others; but in many “moderate” Moslem countries, they don’t reciprocate.

Lastly, we must note that, in the main, Moslems aren’t even tolerant within their own circle.  Theirs is a double standard world, where men can do anything they want: fornicate, be unfaithful to their wives, even rape and murder -- with complete impunity -- while women get stoned to death for doing the same.  In the Koran’s own written word, Islam is not moderate at all; and theologically and morally, its words just don’t “add up.”  Granted, there are many Moslems who do not condone (or practice) such “double-standard” precepts.  Many of them lead decent, perhaps even exemplary, lives; but they are doing so because they are practicing what Christianity – not Islam – teaches.


  1. That "freedom is divine" uber-liberal woman a "latter-day Samaritan"? The good neighbor? A "true Christian"? More Catholic than the cult masters?

    While I have already made it clear that I don't support the cultmasters, I gotta say, are you outta your f-ing minds?

    The cultmasters may be whatever you want, but saying this liberal "everyone is his own sovereign" nut is "more Catholic" than they are is utter nonsense and you know it.

  2. Nobody can be "more or less Catholic" than anyone; you either are Catholic or you're not.

    Are you Novus Ordo now?

    You people write a lot of heretical-sounding things just to get back at the cultmasters.

    1. We assume that you got your quotes “freedom is divine” and “everyone is his own sovereign” from the video (of the woman) “linked” in our article. Firstly, it is a bit of a stretch to say that these phrases make this woman an “uber-liberal.” She obviously meant those things (that freedom was “divine” and that we are our own “sovereigns”) not in the literal sense, but in the FIGURATIVE sense: that our freedom is a precious thing, and that we are masters of our own thoughts and actions – that same freedom that both you and we enjoy to enable us to air our differences on this blog.

      But you chose to WILLFULLY MISCONSTRUE her words, just as you willfully misconstrued ours (when we said that she was “more Catholic” than the cult-masters). Here again, we did not mean that in the literal sense, but in the sense that her courage to say what she did (against Islam) was more befitting of a Catholic than the mere lip service that the cult-masters give (just as those Baptist kids who GAVE THEIR LIVES were being “more Catholic” than the cowardly cult-masters who only give "lip service"). But, again, you chose to MISCONSTRUE our words.

      And not only did you misconstrue our words, but you accused us of being “Novus Ordo” and of saying “heretical-sounding things,” just because we admired this woman for standing up and saying what the cult-masters are too cowardly to say. Plus, you also chose to resort to crude name-calling. And – just as you did on our “Lip Service” article, you IGNORED the article’s message, but attacked us on a “tangent” issue – a typical tactic of those who have no truth of their own to offer.

      No, sir, we are NOT “Novus Ordo”; but neither are we self-serving, letter-of-the-law phonies like the cult-masters. We are simply CATHOLICS – without the need of any “qualifying” adjectives such as “traditional” or “sedevacantist” to identify us. To borrow those words from your own comment, “you are either Catholic or you’re not.”

      So, in closing, “Tony S.,” we invite you to stop making groundless accusations about us, and to confine your remarks to our articles’ main points. And, finally, we ask you NOT to willfully misinterpret what we say, just so you can make some false (and irrelevant) point.

  3. You're right. I apologize. But I still don't agree. We could do the same thing with an abortionist or any other criminal.

    1. Well, that woman in the video may (or may not be) an “uber-liberal feminist.” None of us, for sure, is perfect. But I will say one thing for her: she took the time and trouble to research the Koran and to expose it for the horse dung that it is – and to a far greater degree than Dannie, Tony, or Big Don ever did. AND, she got no remuneration or compensation of any kind for what she did. (On the contrary: she probably now “has a price on her head,” as these Moslems do not tolerate ANY criticism of their “religion.”)

      Yes, we respect that you are entitled to your opinion about that woman. But, as for the cult-masters, we will keep railing against them, because we MUST: we have a MORAL DUTY to do so, because – if we do not – we endanger the souls that the cult-masters are leading astray. And we will continue to do so, until either the cult-masters “reform” (which is not likely), or until they are put out of business.
