Saturday, September 24, 2016

“Parrot Talk”

A term that has lately been making the rounds is “parrot talk.”   Parrot talk is today’s label for the standardized speech that has replaced spontaneous conversation – phrases such as “Have a nice day,” “How may I help you,” “Welcome to WalMart” [or wherever], and all the other choreographed newspeak that people now automatically utter nowadays.  This is especially true in places like restaurants, where the words are pre-picked for employees to say:  “Hi, ‘you guys’ [to men and women alike], my name’s ‘So-and-so’; I’m your server.’’ [“waiter” and “waitress,” and “ladies” and “gentlemen,” you know, are now verboten, because they’re too “gender-specific”].  And the words are pre-picked for them because they are, in fact, required to say them.  In fact, it’s actually part of their “job description.”

The term “parrot talk” is an apt one, because it suggests mindless talk, i.e., talk that requires no rational thinking – like that of a parrot, which talks purely by mimicry -- not because it understands what it’s saying.  And the reason that many people now speak this “mindless talk” is that they have become “parrots” of sorts -- “dumbed down” to the point where they cannot speak in anything other than pre-rehearsed, choreographed lingo.  This, of course, is due in large part to the “boob tube” (TV) and the other mass media, which do peoples’ thinking for them.  “Experts” like “Dr. Phil,” “Dr. Oz.” and a whole host of other talk-show jockeys and “expert commentators” have sprung up to tell all of us what to think and say.  It has, in fact, spread to all facets of our society, with just about everybody “getting in on the act.”  And, of course, nowhere is this more apparent than at the cult centers, with their self-appointed “experts on everything.”  At SGG, they are “theologians,” “liturgists,” “Latinists” – you name it – except that they’re bogus.  In reality, they’re experts on NOTHING.

One really excellent point made recently by Pistrina Liturgica (click here for article) was about the SGG cult-masters’ mawkish characterization of the Mother of God: it sounds as though the cult masters learned their Mariology from a backward maiden-aunt who never reached the fourth grade.”  Indeed, at Dannie and Tony’s SGG, Mariologyreal Mariology – is non-existent.  But it doesn’t stop there: they are, in fact, deficient in knowledge of ALL of the other “-ologies” that real priests are supposed to learn.  (The same deficiency applies at the MHT and CMRI “seminaries”).  Not only that, but they are woefully deficient in just about every category of real Catholicism – especially Catholic morality.  They are, again, experts on NOTHING.

Dannie and Tony are – as they’ve demonstrated so many times -- nothing more than pompous, empty-headed blowhards who instead offer copious quantities of “ecclesiastical buzzwords” and syrupy sentimentality that they try to pass off as “Catholicism,” but which are totally devoid of substance.  Phrases such as “Immaculate heart of Mary,” “Holy Sacrifice of the Mass,” “Sacred Heart of Jesus,” “”Our Lady of (pick a place)” are sprinkled liberally throughout Dannie’s sermons (and his Bishop’s(?) Corner) with reckless abandon.  But as for real morality and real Catholic thinking, there isn’t any. What the cult-masters are giving their flocks is nothing more than ecclesiastical parrot talk.

And their culties, in turn, could be termed parrot listeners, because they mindlessly accept (and repeat) everything that Dannie and Tony say -- and accept it all at face value, “no questions asked.”  For them, Dannie’s sanctimonious pap passes for “holiness.”  And his unwarranted (and unnecessary) over-use of words like triduum and “men’s schola” passes for “Latin proficiency.”  At SGG, syrupy phrases like “immaculate heart of Mary” pass for “Mariology,” and the use of archaic rubrics1 (that no longer have any relevancy) passes for “Liturgical expertise.”  And, as always, Dannie’s “dolly dress-up” processions and extravaganzas pass for “real Catholicism.” 

But none of this IS Catholicism.  It is, instead, a cruel caricature of it.  As we’ve pointed out so many times, it’s all cosmetics.  If Dannie were really serious about real Catholicism and real Catholic morality, he would never have countenanced the blatant immorality2 of the 2009 SGG school scandals, nor would he have tried to cover it all up -- nor would he have “parroted” phony Tony’s depraved position on Schiavo.  And if he and Tony are such great “Latinists” and “liturgists,” why did they botch so miserably every attempt they made in those areas: “Ordo 2016,” SGG’s “calendar,” Tony’s hapless attempts at “scholarship”  (such as WHH), etc., etc., etc.    The fact is, these two boobs have failed miserably in everything Catholic – because they are NOT Catholic.

They are simply parasitic charlatans, preying on the gullible – and all for the purpose of material gain.  And, with classic cult tactics, they have done it: manipulating their followers -- plying them with pious parrot talk (mixed with fear tactics) to scare them into thinking that SGG is their “only hope for salvation” – and then cajoling them into submission.  Perhaps one day their “parrots” – er, parishioners – will wake up, and stop parroting what their cult-masters say.  Perhaps one day they will stop “towing the ‘parrot’ party line” (and letting the cult-masters do their thinking for them), and start thinking for themselves.  Perhaps one day they will wake up and see Dannie and Tony for what they are: a couple of imposters, draining them of their cash while simultaneously endangering their souls, and then reject these frauds – and LEAVE.  But meanwhile, until they get up the courage to do that, they can at least “jump-start” the process by tightening their purse-strings – that is, by STARVING THE BEAST.

1 Dannie once “waxed poetic” in one of his Bishop’s Corners (mentioned in its footnote) about a Praegustatio” rubric.  It’s an archaic rubric that the Church (wisely) discontinued, for it consists of one of the Mass’s MC’s tasting the altar wine (before it is consecrated) to make sure that it’s not poison.  (Well, perhaps Dannie had good reason for resurrecting that rubric!  And we also wonder if he uses one of his lackeys for his “food taster” as well – for similar reasons!)

2 Dannie and Tony were warned almost a year in advance about the scandalous goings-on at SGG by one of their parishioners (who was also a teacher there at the time).  The teacher told them about the immoral behavior going on between one of the SGG principal’s son’s and one of the school’s female students (the girl got pregnant by him).  He also warned them about the principal’s sons watching porn and animal torture videos on the school computer.  Dannie and Tony ignored his warnings.  Then, on Christmas Eve 2008, said parishioner, frustrated by his futile attempts to get Dannie to acknowledge what was going on, e-mailed him about it.

Dannie replied by banning the man from the property, and then proceeded to conduct a thorough character assassination of the man.  He was characterized as being “unstable” and being a “failure.”  (See “School Dazed Revisited 2article for more detail.)  A few years later, there was even a rumor started that he was toting an AK-47 rifle (see article) and was going to terrorize that year’s SGG parish picnic!  Of course, this was pure fabrication.  And, eventually, the man’s accusations (about the SGG scandals) were borne out in fact; and Dannie and Tony’s efforts to vilify him all came to naught.  


  1. Why does anyone go to SGG when there are so many alternatives in Cincinnati? What are they offering that appeals to parishioners that the other churches do not have?

    1. What they have to offer is just “more of the same” to an already brainwashed congregation. People, by and large, are creatures of habit – and brainwashed people AUTOMATICALLY follow whatever their cult-masters say. It’s hard for the rest of us to imagine, but virtually NOTHING will move these people. Oddly enough, though, if they suffer some kind of PERSONAL EFFRONTERY at the cult-masters’ hands (such as, what happened back in 2009), that will make them leave. But it has to happen to THEM. If it happens to someone else, they ignore it as if it never happened at all. For them to recognize the cult-masters for what they are, that would take VIDEO evidence – and sometimes, even that wouldn’t convince them.

      You’re right: people have MANY alternatives in the Cincinnati area; but getting the Gerties to avail themselves of those choices is another matter. Let’s hope, though, that some of them see the light.

  2. I completely forgot about this email exchange between Cekada and the man who initially tried to do something about the Lotarski issues at SGG, in Dec. 2008. (Are these email exchanges available online anywhere, Lay Pulpit?)

    This exchange was the precursor to the 2009 scandal and is most significant in its development. I will elaborate later, time permitting. Thanks for the trip down memory lane!

    I recall Cekada accusing this man and the other teacher at SGG as being work shy. Work shy? Is that why they taught at Cekada’s school, because they knew they wouldn’t have much work to do? Hang out in the faculty lounge, put in their required hours each day and get paid a paltry, ridiculously low wage while the principal basks in his wealth and Dolan/Cekada party at the Bishop’s Lodge every summer?

    I know the man who initiated the email worked for the Brueggemann waste disposal service for some time, correct me if I am wrong someone. He had a lower rung manual laborer job, and these men work their their tails off. This is work shy? The other teacher I can’t speak for, but, I understand he is anything but work shy. Both of these men are well educated, University degree at the minimum.

    Cekada took that Lotarski boy to a local coffee shop frequently for his German lesson. Man, that IS hard work, slurping over priced coffee , perhaps consuming a scone or some other over priced delicacy, and speaking German? Master minding the design and faulty construction of that dump in West Chester? Spending other people’s money? Yes indeedy, that my friends is the opposite of work shy.

    1. We haven’t seen the e-mail exchanges online, nor do we have them; but we know that they occurred. BTW, the other teacher (that you mentioned), who was fired by Dannie, started his own tutoring business, and was very successful. When he was kicked out of SGG (for refusing to condemn the other teacher who wrote the Xmas 2008 e-mail to Dannie), HIS WIFE (who had nothing to do with it) was also kicked out -- so much for any “charity” on the part of the cult-masters! Banning people from the cult-center property has been an integral part of Dannie’s “policy” for years.

    2. Don has kicked people off Church property for asking for clarity in finances. One cannot question; one cannot object; one cannot criticize religious (no matter what they do); and one cannot and will not (most importantly) give the big 3 criticism or any trouble.

  3. Thanks to The Watcher September 27, 2016 at 2:08 PM for the response.

    I did see the original email exchange between this man and Cekada in Dec. 2008. I believe Cekada sent an open letter to about 38-42 parishioners responding to the charges this man, this then SGG teacher, made.
    Apparently this man sent his email to Dolan on to some parishioners, which resulted in Cekada doing his smear job of this man. If any of this is wrong please correct me someone. I wasn’t a recipient of the original Cekada mailing but a parishioner sent me copies of this exchange. (Sadly they are locked on some old drive I am unable to access.) This email was sent Christmas Eve 2008 if I’m not mistaken.

    The immoral, and in many cases antisocial behavior of some of the students, mainly Lotarski’s, at SGG School was common knowledge among many of the people involved with the school, including faculty and some church staff members long before this man formally informed Dolan. This man had the courage to formally report this to the church authorities. Even if the clergy had no knowledge prior to 12/08, upon receipt of this message, there would be absolutely no excuse for them to continue to ignore this white elephant. I know there were at least a few people at SGG who attempted to report the immoral & antisocial behavior to the clergy, but, they were bamboozled by the clergy to ignore or disregard the knowledge they had, especially on the Lotarski children. These clergymen have an amazing ability to manipulate and re-direct topics into other subjects that the average person has difficulties arguing, and then there are the guilt tactics and protection of the common good tactics employed to shut them up.

    Another method of communication at SGG is the confessional believe it or not. There have been cases of people making their conventional confession to priests there and then after absolution, asking “Father” if he/she can have a moment more to report gossip or to make accusations against another parishioner or to report other offenses, however real or imagined. Perhaps this has been the custom throughout the ages for people to use the confessional for such purposes, but I find it disgusting and deplorable. The people I’ve known who have done this, and who shared such information with others, were mainly old biddies and old biddy like men. But, this was/is another specific venue for parishioners to report the offenses of students at that school. There are people at SGG who go to other chapels for confession. Gee, wonder why?

    Periodically I’ve wondered how useful it is to keep these scandals alive over the years. But, this particular Lay Pulpit article reminded me of the original issues at SGG and how they went on long before the 2009 scandal and how the clergy threw people out of SGG rather than deal with the issues at hand. For Cekada to call the originator of the email and his fellow teacher work shy is a sin in itself. Keep up the good work reporting, Watcher!

  4. I've been wondering about the teacher who wrote that email. What has happened to him? I haven't heard anything about him for several years.

    1. First, a big “thank you” to Anon. 9:49 PM for the information and insight you provided. Yes, it would be good if we could get our hands on that e-mail, to PROVE to all of Dannie and Tony’s brain-dead apologists that this parishioner voiced his concerns EARLY (and that the cult-masters did NOTHING about it). We’re also glad, too, that you mentioned the use of the confessional to spread gossip. Actually, much of what the parishioners confessed was also “shared” OUTSIDE the confessional by their cult-master “confessors.” The confessional, like the sacraments, was used by them as a “weapon” to manipulate and control (and, in some cases, to BLACKMAIL) their parishioners.

      To answer Anon. 11:15 PM’s question, we are happy to report that Eamon Shea, the parishioner who wrote that Christmas 2008 e-mail, is now happily married and living in Florida, and – more importantly – is no longer connected with any of the cult centers. So, all their vilifying and slandering of him has come to naught!

    2. Glad to hear he's doing well. Did he only have problems with SGG or MHT group also?

    3. I’m glad to hear Mr. Shea is doing well and is rid of these cult centers.

      I know from personal experience the seal of the confessional has indeed been violated by at least some of the clergymen of these cult centers. Unless somehow or another they’ve been able to alter the laws of the seal to suit their personal needs and whims, I do believe this is a most serious matter and cause for automatic excommunication? Or, are sede priests exempt from honoring the seal of the confessional? Some do make up rules as needed. Regardless I will have nothing to do with any of them and have advised a few of my friends to seek absolution elsewhere if they insist on attending these centers and receiving Holy Communion.

      These clergymen are not the only bad boys. What about the sick creepy laypeople who use the confessional to bear false witness against their neighbor, or to pass on confidences they promised not to repeat all the while knowing they would tattle anyway, or to further some silly agenda they have to control or rule some department of their Mass Center? Or those laypeople who are jealous of another parishioner or are reporting some nonsense out of hatred or to settle a score? As I said before, perhaps this has been the practice of Catholics for ages, but, I still think it is an abominable practice. If one insists on attending any of these cult centers, after being advised of all of the violations and aberrations that go on in such places, watch your back!

      What is it that attracts these unbalanced, emotionally crippled laypeople to the cult centers anyway?

  5. His problems were with SGG only. He never attended (or interacted with) MHT.

    1. Didn't he attend MHT seminary for a very short while?

  6. There is a comment complaint at MHT that several of the priests violate the seal of confession. Many do go to other churches for confession, but for some odd reason still attend mht for SUNDAY mass.

    In addition to breaking their confession vows, mht sends their loyal crew out to befriend and report.

    I have the same question as Anon 7:54. Why are there so many emotionally crippled people at these places?

    1. Common complaint...(correction)

    2. Can you provide more info about this?

    3. No, not really. We don't have any specifics about this as far as MHT is concerned; and regarding SGG, we can't remember the exact details, since we've been gone from there for such a long time. Perhaps someone out there can fill us in!

  7. Hello Watcher

    We always enjoy reading your articles as well as PL.Have you thought of exposing more of the same tactics going on in the CMRI cult.They are as rotten as SGG/MHTS.We are sure many former followers could spill the beans.Keep up the fine work.

    1. Thanks for your comment. We suspected that CMRI was as rotten as the SGG and MHT cults, but we don't know as much about them as we do those other two; and we don't print anything that we can't back up with evidence. Perhaps a former CMRI "victim" could start a blog on them -- or send us a comment with some factual information on them.

    2. I can offer a speculation or 2 as to why we don’t hear too much of present day cult nonsense or activity at CMRI chapels as opposed to SGG/MHT. CMRI was not taken seriously as a valid viable member of the emerging trad community by most American trads, due to its “Old Catholic” origins and of course attendant doubt of the validity of its clergymen; are they real priests or not. When the trad community, mainly due to SSPX, started to take root and develop in the United States the late late 70s early 80s, many of us were advised to avoid Mt. St. Michael’s at all costs, and most of us did. Some of us heard stories of the weird happenings going on there prior to the 1985 scandal, and when that scandal erupted, we knew we were prudent in not being associated with them.

      I believe it was the late Bishop McKenna who “righted the wrongs” there, if you can call it that, by conditional ordinations and what was it, public Acts of Reparation? I also believe a good housecleaning was alleged to have been performed and certain “priest” members and others were thrown out or just suddenly disappeared. I also understand the late Dr. Rama Coomaraswamy was employed to de-program and counsel affected and afflicted cult members, mainly clergy and sisters. The new and improved, Prozac optional, sanitized CMRI drew the attention of Cekada, who previously was a public enemy of them.

      Anyway, Cekada and Dolan initiated communion with the CMRI in the latter part of the 80s, all in a desperate effort to get Pivarunas to make Dolan a bishop. Their approval of CMRI perhaps gained CMRI a few more supporters. Speculation, but, their chapels and memberships are really small and I believe the members of these small congregations are probably pretty closely knit and very loyal to their priests and bishop. To publicly criticize or disagree with their clergy is wrong, to them, possibly a sin. Perhaps most if not all wouldn’t recognize cult practices or techniques when they bite them on the nose or other appendages. My personal interaction with CMRI laypeople is that they are, in general, simple people, most with no formal post secondary education, and basically desire a “Mary centered” Latin Mass form of Catholicism, the kind that can be had by the simple CMRI priests, a no thinking, no brain flavor of Catholicism. Maybe they have somewhat the right idea, but, it isn’t the right approach for me.

    3. CONTINUATION OF PREVIOUS POST BY Anonymous October 4, 2016 at 9:13 AM

      While I dislike saying this, it is the truth, many of us looked down, and perhaps continue to look down upon the CMRI clergy and lay folk. At least at one time, to me, their devotion to the BVM appeared to be too intense, possibly rivaling a worship reserved only to God Almighty. Those who actually lived at Mt. St. Michael's during the bad years and continue to remain there, or who now live elsewhere but still attend their chapels, are suspect in many ways. Do they still engage in at least some of the weird cult practices and activities reputed to be commonplace in the pre sanitized CMRI? Do the more recent members know any better? Is CMRI just another flavor of trad Catholicism, perhaps just as aberrant and misguided as some or most of the sedes?

      And then that school of theirs in Spokane, not much of an academic institution of learning I am told by reliable sources. Sad to say, many members are intellectually, academically and socially deficient, and spending any amount of time with them can be frustrating at best. We know now enough about their seminaries, no need to comment.

      In the overall scheme of things traddie, I do not believe the CMRI merits much significance in the overall trad movement in the United States. It has no real attention getters like Sinburn or Cekada or Dolan. They go about their religion quietly, and have small close knit congregations. They don’t seem to pose much of a threat to the diminished,thinking traddie world per se, as they have no significant authors or apologists. You don’t see their bishop or priests on You Tube, or authoring bogus books,or going to France to set up a scam seminary. They don't seem to intentionally draw attention to themselves.

      The squeaky wheel gets the oil? Should tabs be kept on them? Are they a treat to anyone other than themselves? I don’t know. They certainly are no threat to me and I’m not much interested in the nonsense that goes on in their chapels. There’s enough on the plate with SGG & MHT.

  8. Thanks for the info.As far as them being a
    threat to faithful.Its common knowledge several
    of their clerics have caused much scandal.Most
    would be well aware.

  9. Cmri is a true cult and the members are continuing to be brainwashed every Oct at the cmri yearly conference. They are encouraged to do no research on their own, thus keeping the lay members dumbed down.
    They only accept core members as the only true Cmri traditional Cath solids and new members are kept at a distance. They still treat children as evil up there also. True brainwashed people in this cult
