Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Same Mentality, But…

It was a gruesome sight: a YouTube video showing the beheading of a man by an Islamist.  The beheading was done, not by a swift chop of an axe, but slowly and deliberately, by someone wielding a large knife.  The victim, a recent convert to Catholicism, was on his knees, hands bound behind him, with a large hooded figure standing over him.  The hooded figure started at one side of the victim’s neck, and with a back and forth slicing motion, slowly severed the victim’s head from his body.  All the while this was going on, another man (with some sort of book in his hand) was chanting some hideously rhythmic incantation (shown in Arabic subtitles).  After the head was severed, it was held up for viewing – presumably as a “reminder” for others not to “convert.”

The video, chillingly graphic, has (understandably) since been “pulled” from the internet.  It is a testament to the zeal and especially the hatred of the Islamic militants who carry out these depraved acts – acts designed to intimidate and to strike fear into anyone else who entertains such “conversion” ideas.  But what it accomplished instead was to make its victim an instant martyr, and to reinforce once again that Islam is, in fact, a false “religion” of HATE.  Like all martyrdoms, it actually accomplishes the opposite of what it intends: it weakens Islam, for, again, it exposes it as the false religion of HATE that it is.  In the end, too, it victimizes the victimizer, for it brands him as an unthinkingly obedient stooge, doing the dirty deed for evil superiors, who always get some obsequious drudge to do their dirty work for them.  He himself is a victim of his own ignorance and gullibility – and, eventually, of his own guilt, as the reality of his demonstrably culpable act sinks in and gnaws away at his conscience.

But why do people such as this executioner do such things?  Because they have been brainwashed -- that’s why.  For Islamists, it comes easy, for Islam is a simplistic belief-system, long on emotion (especially HATE) and short on reason, that appeals to the fanatical, narrow-minded set – especially those “hormonally challenged” fools who would blow themselves up for the promise of “a hundred virgins in a garden of earthly delights.”  Islam, as a creed, stands up to neither logic nor reason* – nor to natural moral law.  As a previous article pointed out, Islam’s “holy book,” the Koran, condones – actually, prescribes – the rape and beating of women, prostitution, sex with minors, and the wanton slaughter of “unbelievers” (including women and children).  It even states that its “god” – Allah – “is all deceiving, for he has knowledge of what each does.”  No system of belief on earth would subscribe to such preposterous and evil “precepts.”  Islam, by its own written word, is functionally Satanic.

So, why do people follow it – and follow it so fanatically?  Simple: to repeat, it appeals to those governed not so much by their intellect but by their emotions. Plus, it promises “a lot for a little” – at least if you’re a man: a “garden of earthly delights” after death (with unlimited sexual “goodies”), and almost the same before death: as many concubines as one can afford, license to rape at will, to beat one’s wife, have sex with minors, etc., etc., etc. – a pervert’s paradise!  And all one has to do in return is make a pilgrimage to Mecca once in his lifetime, say (or listen to) a short list of prayers five times a day, and do a sunup-to-sundown fast during Ramadan (Islam’s “holy month”).  One must also realize that a belief-system that promises sensual pleasure is, for someone of man’s fallen nature, a powerful magnet – and an easy pill to swallow.

Now, let’s ask the same question about SGG’s parishioners: why do they follow Dannie and Tony – and why so fanatically?  The answer is also simple – and similar to that of their Moslem counterparts:  the SGG cult-masters also have a “belief-system” that appeals to the emotions rather than to reason – and definitely to the “narrow-minded set.”  Like those Islamist extremists, the culties of SGG blindly follow their leaders, no matter what.  Dannie can shrug off boys’ watching porn as “boys will be boys,” and can dismiss a boy impregnating a fellow girl student (as long as all the boys in question are the school principal’s sons).  That’s okay.  Yet a boy (who is not one of the principal’s sons) missing a homework assignment -- that’s not okay.  That boy gets beaten with a wooden paddle. And then there’s Tony: he can justify the murder (by starvation and dehydration) of Terri Schiavo.  And that’s okay.  Dannie and Tony can also set themselves up as “ecclesiastical authorities,” then use it to ban people from the sacraments (for “praying for the wrong pope” during Mass, for instance) – even though they possess no ecclesiastical authority whatsoever.  And that’s okay too.

What counts at SGG is the same as “what counts” for the Islamists.  The two mindsets are really no different: saying the right “prayers,” observing all the right “R&R” (Rites and Rubrics), and “doing their masters’ bidding” – those are the things that count.  It’s interesting to note, that in the news accounts of Islamic “suicide bombers,” it is invariably the poor, unlettered “nobody” who blows himself up -- never some rich sultan or imam.  The poor and the ignorant always do the dirty work for them, on the promise of some “eternal reward” -- while the latter are enjoying their reward here and now.  Sound familiar?  While Dannie was down in Baja, consuming “copious quantities of beef” (during Lent, no less), the grunts back home were asked to “sacrifice” and pay SGG’s “excessive heating bills,” or to chip in an extra twenty bucks a month to buy “cost-saving arches for the cloister.”  The “rank and file” at SGG -- just like their Moslem counterparts -- do the grunt work for their masters. 

All that being said, it must be pointed out that the average Moslems (especially the “middle class” who live in pluralistic societies) lead functionally Christian lives: they are monogamous, and – more often than not – they live by Christian moral precepts: they don’t beat their wives, engage in prostitution (or sex with pre-teen girls) – and they’re not out to behead their non-Moslem neighbors.  It is only the rich and jaded who can afford numerous concubines, or who can buy pre-pubescent girls for “wives”; and it is only the poor, ignorant “camel jockeys” who are gullible enough to blow themselves up for the promise of an “after-life sex orgy.”  The average Moslem, like the average traddie, actually leads a fairly “normal” life; it is the brainwashed among them, egged on by self-serving masters, who are the ones that go to “extremes.”  Again, “sound familiar”?

Yes, they are very similar to those culties at SGG: for every poor Moslem schmuck who blows himself up, there is an SGG stooge who deprives himself to underwrite the dynamic duo’s lifestyle.  And for every Moslem who rationalizes the Koran’s irrational precepts, there is an SGG cultie who rationalizes Tony’s una cum nonsense (or his Schiavo lunacy).  What both need to do is to stop rationalizing and start getting rational.  Intelligent, thinking Moslems need to come to the realization that the Koran, by its own words, preaches that which is inherently wrong – and they need to reject it.  And SGG’s faithful need to come to the realization that, although their cult-masters often (but not always) preach what is right, they don’t practice it – and they need to be rejected too.

Many Moslems, then, lead normal, decent lives -- but not because of Islam, but in spite of it.  Morally right behavior is a Christian – not Moslem -- precept.  Actually, it’s a Catholic precept, for Protestant Christianity, like Islam, falls short of the mark.  It is Catholicism that has (to use Belloc’s phrase) “set the tone” for moral behavior throughout the world.  Protestantism preaches that only “fides sola” (faith alone) is needed for “justification” (salvation), i.e., good works are not necessary for salvation.  Islam goes one step further: it guarantees salvation even if one performs deeds that are inherently evil; it even prescribes them.  So, with either Protestantism or Islam, there is no accountability.  Now one might think that traddies are exempt from that indictment.  Well, not really: they preach accountability – but in practice, they have none – at least at the cult-master level.  They say all the “right” things, but do the wrong things.

Traddies need to realize that a man is measured not by how many Hail Mary’s he says but by how he treats his fellow man.  Rational, well-meaning Moslems must realize this too -- and that the creed in which they’ve been brought up, because it proclaims wrong, is wrong.  Dead wrong.  A true God bids us to “love thy neighbor,” not “behead thy neighbor”; and a true God is not – in the Koran’s own words -- “all deceiving,” but one Who “can neither deceive nor be deceived.”   And a true religion is spread by example, not by the sword.  Realizing this, they must then take the next logical step: subscribe in fact to that which they already subscribe in practiceCatholicism.  Protestants – and yes, traddies – need to do the same, for what they practice is not “the real thing.” 

Of these three groups, then, who are the most likely to subscribe to real Catholicism?  Protestants have already demonstrated that they don’t.  And traddies?  The cult-masters of SGG don't.  Dannie and Tony have already shown their contempt for real Catholic principles, and are in it for one thing: MONEY.  And the culties?  They’re in it for one thing, too: THE SHOW.  They don’t care what their amoral cult-masters’ do or say, so long as they get their “show.”  In fact, some who at one time defected from SGG have swallowed their principles and returned, because they had to have “their show.”  Moslems, on the other hand, are not so spineless: they are sincere in what they believe -- like the man in the video, who braved martyrdom for his new Faith.  One wonders how many of SGG’s holier-than-thou Gerties would do the same.  Not many, we suspect.

*Some might remark, “But if Islam doesn’t appeal to ‘reason,’ why then have so many ‘rationally-thinking’ Christians – including one reportedly ‘raised Catholic’ -- joined the ranks of Islamic extremists?” The answer to that is simple, too: for one thing, these “Christians” are, by and large, people whose own faith was not very well rooted (or who had no faith at all) to begin with.  And in such a intellectual vacuum, they often latch onto “causes” such as Islam to “put some meaning back into their lives.” The other thing is that they see the real injustices that have been done to Arabs at the hands of Israel and the Zionist=controlled West (such as, Israel’s butcher job in Gaza City, or our unsolicited incursions into Iraq and Afghanistan), and that many of the Arabs’ claims are legitimate; hence, they rightfully blame the West for both its moral bankruptcy and these injustices.  

But the mistake they make is that they blame “Christianity,” when in fact it is the non-Christian West -- secularized inhabitants and “Zionist-friendly” governments -- who are to blame.  And since most Arabs are Moslems, they equate the one with the other, and they join the Islamist “cause.”  The irony is that these Westerners who “don’t know their faith” really don’t know what Islam is all about either.  If they had any inkling of what Islam really condones and prescribes, they’d recoil in horror.  Again, our Zionist-controlled mainstream media tell them only about Islam’s “happy face” – not its reality – and in fact report about “past Christian injustices against Moslems,” when just the opposite was true.  And they swallow it.

Lastly, another sad irony to keep in mind is that it is the Zionists themselves – the leaders of the state of Israel – who are the real “bad guys.”  Any injustices done by the “West” towards the Arabs are orchestrated by them, and done at their bidding.  The West, it must be understood, is just as much a pawn in the Zionist chess game as are the Islamic extremists.  This is the paramount thing to be kept in mind.  Otherwise, no sense can be made out of what is happening.

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