Saturday, March 19, 2016

What Dannie’s Priorities Are – and Aren’t

Swiss mathematician Charles E. Guye once calculated the odds of one protein being formed “by chance” (as evolutionists claim), assuming an unlimited amount of matter being available to “collide.”  The odds are 100160 (100 multiplied by itself 160 times) to one against.  To put that into perspective, the number of electrons (not atoms) in the known universe is 10130 (10, not 100, multiplied by itself 130, not 160, times).  The latter number is infinitesimally smaller than the former – but both are unimaginably large.  In short, the chances of that simple protein being formed are mathematically IMPOSSIBLE.  One must also bear in mind that we’re talking about a simple protein, not even a simple one-celled organism, or something as complex as the human brain – not to mention, a whole human being (or the incredible variety of plant and animal life that exists on earth).  And all of this assumes, of course, that the unlimited amount of matter that we mentioned (not to mention, our vast and seemingly limitless universe) was just “there” – appearing “out of nothing,” as it were.

For any number of reasons, the doctrine of evolution is pure myth.  We use the word “doctrine” advisedly, for evolution is  not a science but a religion.  It is a belief system that makes claims that are preposterous, and asks its followers to accept things that are utterly impossible – mathematically, geologically, or otherwise – a belief system that violates every known scientific precept.  But why are we talking here about evolution instead of “traditional Catholicism”?  The reason is a simple one, but a fundamental one: evolution undermines the very foundations of religion itself.  As a noted British author once said, “Every attack on the Christian faith made today has, as its basis, the doctrine of evolution” (Newman Watts, author of Britain Without God). 

If evolution is true, then there is no such thing as morality, good and evil – no such thing as God.  And with God out of the equation – if we are nothing more than “fancied up stardust” -- concepts such as “good, “evil,” and being accountable for one’s actions are totally meaningless.  And if we are no more than distant cousins to a cockroach, then aborting “unwanted” babies is basically no different than stepping on that cockroach, or swatting an annoying fly.  And if a person has outlived his “usefulness,” why keep him around?  Dispose of him! So, if evolution is “for real,” then that gives those “at the top of the chain” a blank check to weed out those “at the bottom of the chain – to do whatever it takes to ensure “the survival of the fittest,” etc., etc. etc.

And, unfortunately, evolution is widely accepted by many, in whole or in part, because it is taught as “fact” in just about every school in the land – even in “Catholic” schools.  And in all the mainstream media too – especially television -- it is also presented as accomplished fact, repeated over and over again until people start to believe it.  It is no wonder that a large percentage of our youth, inundated with its message from all sides, is becoming agnostic -- or atheistic.  These evolutionary “seeds of doubt” that are being sowed are eating away at all our fundamental beliefs, like a cancer. 

For that reason, evolution must be refuted, and its insidious errors exposed.  This process must start in our schools, with our children being taught – even at an early age -- about its gross errors and false assumptions.  It must become an integral part of our schools’ religious training curriculum; and a good text to include in that curriculum is one from which this article’s figures were taken: The Death of Evolution, by Australian author Wallace Johnson. It is a particularly good book for “beginners,” for it is easy to understand; plus, it references many other sources that one can read to find out more.

Now one would think that “traditional” Catholic schools would have long since taken the lead in this sort of thing.  Well, think again.  SGG’s school, for instance, hasn’t.  Some years back, a parishioner brought to Daniel Dolan’s attention (and presented to him) the very book just mentioned.  Did Dannie ever mention it (or any of its contents) in any of his sermons?  No.  Did he get with his school principal to have it (or anything like it) taught in SGG’s school – or included as a volume in the school library?*  Again, NO.  Dannie and Tony were too busy instructing the students in such “relevant" issues as,  why it's a “mortal sin” to attend an una cum Mass, to wear a headband in church, or to ride a roller-coaster (while at the same time dismissing such things as watching porn on the school computer as “boys will be boys”).

To a kid whose mind is constantly being bombarded with all the evolutionary propaganda in the media – and who then witnesses all the obvious moral inconsistencies in the cult center – what does ANYTHING matter?  Why should he care about “pontifical” High Masses or candlelight processions – or what Masses are valid or not – when his pastor thinks that watching porn is “boys will be boys”?  The hypocrisy of it all must be positively overwhelming for him.  Perhaps that is why so many young people have left SGG and/or lost their Faith.  Besides, if we are, again, nothing more than hopped up “stardust” or distant cousins to a cockroach, what relevancy do concepts like “morality” and “ethics” have anyway?

Ironically, it is the Protestants who more and more are taking the lead on issues such as Evolution – just as they are in speaking out against Islam.**  It is they who are taking the lead in combating it -- with cogent, intelligent arguments (and including it as an integral part of their children’s formal religious training) -- while the SGG and Brooksville cult centers are preoccupied with such “weighty” issues as “dress codes” and bans on “body-piercings.”  They’re not so much concerned with Evolution as they are with themselves.  And that’s because here’s no money in “Evolution”: there’s more money in “poor souls” envelopes (to put on Dannie’s “privileged” altar -- that really isn’t) – so why bother with Evolution?

SGG’s parishioners – especially those with children – need to wake up to the fact that the cult-masters’ agenda is a self-serving one – and that there’s more to Catholicism than letter-perfect rite and rubrics.  Real Catholicism does not divide people by arguing over irresolvable theological and doctrinal issues (by renegade know-nothings who haven’t the capability, the credentials, or the authority to do so -- yet who deny the sacraments to those who don’t adhere to their invented precepts). Real Catholicism is about unity, not division; and it is about real morality that binds everyone, not about selectively enforced puritanism.*** 

SGG’s parishioners need to come to the realization that the cult-masters are nothing more than manipulative, money-grubbing predators who are hurting them and their children, both spiritually and materially.  And actually, many of them have come to that realization, and have stated that they’re just waiting for the “right moment” to leave.  But, as we’ve already said before, that “right moment” is NOW – especially for those parishioners with children.  If they tarry too long, their kids, like so many of their contemporaries who have gone before them, will see through the hypocrisy – and some will become disenchanted (as so many already have), and lose their Faith.

That is something for their parents to think about.  As parents, they’re responsible not just for their own spiritual well-being, but again, for their children’s.  They cannot, for instance, just take care of their own souls, while ignoring what happens to their children (or what path they take).  That is a responsibility that they cannot abdicate.  For those whose children have grown up and gone astray, it is perhaps too late.  But for those with children still there at SGG, they need to come to the realization that Dannie’s priorities are not their (or their children’s) priorities – then do something about it, while there is still time to do so.  If they continue to expose their children to the superficial nonsense that passes for “religion” at SGG, those kids too will fall by the wayside.  Then will those parents share -- equally with Dannie and Tony -- accountability for their children’s (and their own) spiritual fate. 


* SGG’s school library did, however, include Brideshead Revisited, a novel (by British author Evelyn Waugh) that dealt with several immoral themes – including adultery and homosexuality.  Dannie and Tony had no problem stocking this book (and Tony even had words of praise for it in one of his sermons).

** One of our previous articles reported on a woman (who was Protestant) who made two videos (which are linked in the article) against Islam.  That is not to say, however, that there aren’t any traditional clergy speaking out against Islam as well.  There are – but not at the SGG cult center.

*** The puritanical nonsense that passes for “morality” is legendary at the cult centers:  Where else but SGG could a pastor define watching porn on the school computer as “boys will be boys,” yet have his “priests” tell the school kids that wearing a sport headband in church or riding a roller-coaster is a mortal sin?  And where else but the Brooksville puppy mill would a seminary prefect claim that all the abortions ever performed are not as displeasing to God as ONEmotu” Mass?  At both the SGG and Brooksville cult centers, this kind of lunacy is the order of the day.


  1. One thing is for certain, history only repeats itself. Nietzsche once said that if you tell a lie often enough, it becomes ones truth. In the the land of Traddieville they have managed to incorporate two of Nietzsche's philosophies, a/k/a sins: 1) Lie Big, and 2) Lie often, bottom line, it is still a LIE against God Laws.

    You know you are in trouble in Traddieville when you hear a Prelate or Priest comment, " It's just politics". My question to all of these so called God-Touting Shepherds is: "What are Politics doing in the land of the Holy"?Unless, the alleged Holy Agenda is to collect Wholly from the faithful which will deliver them into one heck of a HOLE. BEWARE! It all started with the LIE.

    1. Dannie and Tony have learned (and APPLIED) Nietzsche’s lesson quite well: they DO lie big -- and often. They and their maniacal counterparts down in Florida keep feeding their culties the same old crap until the latter accept it as “truth” – that, plus they maintain a double standard, forcing the rank-and-file to obey their ridiculous rules, while their “favorites” are free to do whatever they like.

      The sad thing about this is that the dolts who are being so exploited don’t see through this hypocrisy -- but, in many cases, their children DO. (That is why so many of them have left SGG. They’re not so gullible as their blindly obedient, bootlicking parents.) They keep swallowing the swill that the two charlatans keep serving up. (Today, by the way, they’ll be serving up their “Palm Sunday” extravaganza, with its parade featuring two donkeys: one with four legs, and the other in ersatz Episcopal regalia.)

      Dannie and Tony provide all of this, of course, because they’re not concerned with the truth, but with their “SHOW” – because it brings in MONEY. Their priority is THEMSELVES – and living “the good life” at the expense of the fools who bankroll them. And speaking of fools, it’s amazing how many Gerties (and even ex-Gerties) who have kids that have gone astray, and who – like so many Pontius Pilates – “wash their hands” of those kids.

      Instead of facing up to their parental responsibilities by trying to bring those kids back to God, they devote themselves more to the cult center, attending more of its “show,” and “donating more to the cause” with extra Mass stipends, etc. They figure that this way, they can “buy their way into Heaven.” In reality, they are continuing to shirk their parental responsibilities, and only fattening Dannie and Tony’s retirement fund instead.

      Of course, by “bringing them back to God,” we don’t mean bringing them back to the cult center. (That is what got them away from God in the first place!) The best thing they can do is to acknowledge to those children that they made a mistake bringing them up in SGG’s sanctimonious fakery, and to then steer them towards REAL Catholicism – towards priests who are good, selfless men of God.
