Saturday, July 4, 2015

The Sore That Keeps On Festering

We have often referred to Daniel Dolan as “the gift that keeps on giving,” because, just about every time he opens his mouth, he unwittingly betrays himself – and, in the process, unwittingly hastens his own self-destruction.  Well, we are here to say that, once again, Dannie has not disappointed us, as SGG’s June 21, 21015 Sunday bulletin reveals.  In his Bishop’s Corner, he did so in all the usual ways, hitting all his usual themes: syrupy sanctimony, a few not-so-subtle hints about begging for money, more “guilt-tripping” for those Gerties who didn’t come to “the show” often enough, lavish flattery for a shut-in parishioner (whose money he’s after), and even a little “Bergoglio bashing” for good measure.  And – oh yes – he asked for “prayers” for a former parishioner who is now in prison.  (This always makes him look “magnanimous” and “forgiving.”)

In his Bishop’s Corner, Dannie started off by flinging some arrows at the local HVAC vendor (a company called Apollo Heating and Air Conditioning), who were called in to repair the AC at SGG’s “convento”: The local HVAC god Apollo eventually descended from Olympus to repair it, but had to be propitiated with large amounts of money in advance.”*  This, of course, is one of Dannie’s favorite ploys: to insinuate that someone is unfairly charging SGG for its services.  (He referred to Apollo as the “god" Apollo, just as he referred to Duke Energy, the local electrical utility, as “the ‘Duke’ – and the bills paid to them as “the Duke’s ransom.”)  And also, of course, he is (not-so-subtly) hinting to the Gerties that – because Apollo “had to be propitiated with large amounts of money in advance” – he expects the Gerties to “chip in” to pay this bill (just as he did when he asked them to chip in on the “excessive heating bills” the last two winters).**

After that bit of sarcasm and poor-mouthing, then came these tidbits of guilt-tripping: “It would be nice to see all of you who have asked something of the saint [Anthony] at least once at his Summer Novena,”  then adding, “Besides, now that we have asked St. Anthony, we seem to have lost him from view, don’t we? His first day of devotions was practically abandoned.”  Wow, Dannie, that was really “tactful” of you to chide the Gerties again (as if they haven’t done enough).  Dannie, did it ever occur to you that the Gerties are getting sick of your "guilt-tripping" – and that they are ”voting with their feet”??

Dannie next mentioned that he set up a little secondary St. Anthony shrine in the side chapel, with votive candles you can light in the saint’s honor.”  Nice touch, Dannie!  Are you going to make them FIVE-DAY votive candles, so that you can get more for them -- and then extinguish them right away (so that they can be “recycled”), as one woman found out?***  Oh Dannie, you “fund-raiser” you!!

Dannie’s next ‘Corner piece was about one of SGG’s “shut-ins” celebrating her 96th birthday: “Bee (sic) had a wonderful 96th birthday, surrounded by Our Lord, His priest (Fr. McGuire brought Holy Communion in the morning) and many of her church friends, and cards, prayers and greetings from us all.”  Note that it wasn't Dannie or Tony who brought her Holy Communion; errands like that are reserved for lackeys.  The Dynastic Duo themselves are too important to attend to such “grunt” details.  However, they did send their lackey, because they know that “Bee” (Bea) has money – and they hope to get the lion’s share of it when she passes away.

Next, Dannie "spiced" his ‘Corner with some “public relations” electioneering, exhorting the Gerties, “Pray as well, if you would, for a very poor soul now in prison. [Name omitted] attended several churches here in succession a few years ago, but has now been sent to prison for a very grave crime indeed. I do not have any further information, but do ask for prayers for him, his wife and family, who must all be suffering very much. God reward your charity.”  Another “nice touch,” Dannie!  Although your school principal’s treatment of the family’s school-age child resulted in them removing that child from the school  (and quitting SGG altogether), you “remembered” him, because it makes you appear, as noted earlier, as “forgiving” and “magnanimous.”  (We also recall your “magnanimous” concern for Bp. Clarence Kelly when you reported that he had a debilitating disease that rendered him incapable of speech. (Of course, you referred to him as “Father” Kelly – which betrayed your true sentiments toward him.) 

Because this particular Sunday was Father’s Day, Dannie finished his Bishop’s Corner with this hackneyed bit of syrupy sanctimony: Whatever you do, dear Fathers on your day, have a blessed one. You have first place in our prayers today, as we remember just what a blessing a good father is!”  Luckily for Disingenuous Dan, most of the fathers (and families) who left back in 2009 were not there to witness this over-the-top affectation.  Otherwise, they might have responded with some “over-the-top” words of their own, because they realize that Dannie’s words ring about as true as those he habitually expounds on Guardian Angel Sunday, “waxing poetic” about “protecting the innocence of our children,” while simultaneously sanctioning the brutal mistreatment of SGG's school kids kids by the school principal (after which, Dannie told their irate parents that, if they didn’t like it, they could leave SGG).

But what else could one expect from someone who states that watching porn amounts to “boys will be boys,” or who doesn’t raise an eyebrow when a boy impregnates a fellow student -- yet who has another boy thrashed with a wooden paddle for missing his homework?  And what could one expect from an operation whose “priests” tell the school kids that wearing a “sports” headband or riding a roller coaster is a mortal sin?  And what could one expect from someone who exhorts his parishioners to pay his “excessive heating bills,” while he himself is vacationing in Mexico (during Lent) at their expense?  And what could one expect from someone who denies the sacraments to a long-time parishioner just because he attended a “rival chapel” (SSPX) while on vacation, yet holds a “triple-play” funeral (three priests celebrating three Masses simultaneously) for a woman who wasn’t even a “traddie”?****  And what could one expect from someone who justified the putting to death of Terri Schiavo, and who dismissed gross sexual immorality as “boys will be boys”?

SGG’s parishioners, oddly enough, are aware of most of these things – perhaps all of them.  But, up to now, Dannie’s “show” has been such a big magnet, that they are drawn to it in spite of themselves (and against their better judgment).  Down deep, they know that Dirt-bag Dan’s “Catholicism” is counterfeit, and that his words are nothing more than lip service -- that he tells his parishioners what they want to hear, then proceeds to do exactly what he wants to do.  But “the show” has kept them coming back.  However, because “the gift that keeps on giving” keeps “reaffirming” himself, perhaps it’s finally starting to sink in (and becoming irrefutably evident) that “the gift that keeps on giving” is more like the sore that keeps on festering – and that, one day, it will culminate in Dannie’s self-destruction coming to fruition.  That day cannot come any too soon.


* Ironically, what Dannie calls the “convento” is NOT a convent, but a rectory for housing priests.  When the “convento” was built, Dannie suckered the Gerties into paying for it by telling them that it was for SGG’s nuns, who were, at the time, “temporarily” housed offsite (necessitating a lengthy commute back and forth between their quarters and SGG – an inconvenience that added a good hour or more to their already long workday).  But, as it turned out, it was used instead to house SGG’s assistant priests (and visiting seminarians), NOT nuns.  (The nuns, overworked to the nubs, eventually left SGG in disgust.)  Why Dannie still refers to it as the “convento,” we do not know.

** What Dannie could have done (to avoid that big repair bill) was to not fix the “convento’s” air-conditioning at all.  That would put it on a par with SGG’s church vestibule, where moms with small kids are expected to sweat it out during the summer, and freeze in winter. Like those moms, the “convento” priests could just “offer it up.” After all, “what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.”

*** A former SGG parishioner stopped in at SGG one day for some holy water, and then lit a “five day” candle, only to discover -- when she stopped back the next day -- that it had been extinguished.  (see It’s the Little Things, Dannie).  It seems that this is a favorite tactic of Dannie’s: get them to pay for more, but give them less (and hope that they don’t find out).

**** The woman was not only “Novus Ordo,” but actually loathed Dannie, Tony, and the whole SGG cult regime.  So why did Dannie put on such an impressive “show” for her?  Simple: her husband was a prominent SGG cultie – and, more importantly, a big contributor to SGG’s coffers -- hence, the “big show.”  If he had not been “a source of revenue” for Dannie, she – of course – would have been denied the Mass (just as other “non-traddies” are).  So, in the end, it's not one’s religion that counts, but one’s bank account.

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