Saturday, March 1, 2014

Do Tigers Ever Change Their Stripes?

A Swiss mathematician, Dr. Charles E. Guye, once calculated the odds of a real protein being formed “by chance” -- that is, by “primordial bits of material bumping together” to form that single protein molecule (as evolutionists contend).  The odds of that happening are “100160 to 1” (that is, “the number 100 multiplied by itself 160 times, to 1”) against.  To put such a number in perspective, imagine that the known universe was tightly packed with – not atoms – but electrons.  It would contain 100143 electrons, which means that it would take sextillion sextillion sextillion universes to supply that much material (and an equal number of years) to form that one protein molecule – and we’re not talking “cell” yet (nor have we reached 100160 yet).  And, that single protein molecule is just one of the building blocks of a cell.  Then, after scaling this (insurmountable) hurdle, we must consider that the cell must be alive – have life – and we haven’t even touched on cell specialization yet (i.e., why some cells become hair, why some become heart tissue, why some become lips or toes or brains, or “whales and snails and puppy dogs’ tails”).  You get the picture: it’s IMPOSSIBLE (even using “evolutionary” numbers).

The foregoing is excerpted from a book entitled The Death of Evolution, by Wallace Johnson (the book is available from; click on the link).  It goes on to disprove evolution in so many ways that it is a wonder why any rational creature could ever imagine evolution in a serious light, let alone as a “science.”  It is a false religion, an unimaginable leap of faith -- the most laughable leap of faith ever conceived by mankind.  Actually, it is something beyond that: it is demonic delusion of the first order.  The aforementioned book (and many more) should be in everyone’s home, and it should be preached from every pulpit.  Why? -- because evolution is the theoretical basis for atheism: it is the house-of-cards foundation on which atheism is built.  Without evolution, there is no basis for atheism; the former is a prerequisite for the latter.

Not only that, evolution is an insidious thing; it gnaws away at the subconscious, undermining the very foundations of one’s faith: if we start buying into the myth that we “evolved” from “space dust” or whatever, then we are swallowing a seed that, tumor-like, takes root and grows within us, eventually destroying our faith.  And, of course, we have a mainstream academia and media that are incessantly repeating this swill in the hope that it will grow.  The fight to refute it has been, as many know, an uphill battle.  In America’s public schools, it is taught as accomplished fact; and anything even remotely resembling “Creationism” counts as “religion” – and is therefore prohibited. 

Now one would think that evolution, or anything resembling it, would not be tolerated (much less, taught) in any Catholic school – yet it is.  Many of the textbooks in Novus Ordo “Catholic” schools -- especially its universities -- openly teach evolution as an accomplished fact.  And it doesn’t stop there: even the “Catholic” high schools and grade schools teach it.  Open up any of their textbooks, and it will talk about how animals (and we) “evolved,” about the different “eras” and “epochs,” etc.  It’s taken for granted that these things just “happened.”

Fortunately, evolution is not promoted in “traditional” Catholic schools (at least we hope it isn’t!) -- but how much of an active effort are those schools making to promote the opposite?  For instance, some years back, the aforementioned book, The Death of Evolution, was presented to Daniel Dolan by one of SGG’s parishioners.  Dolan simply “accepted” the book, then proceeded to ignore it.  If it ever made its way into the SGG school library (if they have such a thing), it assuredly never became prescribed reading for any of SGG’s students, or even recommended reading (perhaps because it was thought to be too “heavy” for a school of SGG’s truncated academic preeminence). 

The problem, however, with this book is not so much that, but that it is not a “profitable” venture, i.e., it does not further the cause of the SGG cult.  The dynamic duo are more interested in their own stuff -- like Work of Human Hands – to further their own cause (and hopefully to turn a profit for them).  Their problem, though, is that the perpetually dead-on-arrival WHH has been a box-office bust, selling only to the catatonic and to the morbidly curious.  Another “fiscal” problem is that their flock is dwindling: many of their most generous benefactors (including their biggest, who almost single-handedly bankrolled their entire West Chester operation) have already left; and the coffers are shrinking.  They have had to resort to "paver-stone memorials,” bake sales, and other short-term vehicles to keep them afloat – none of which have really done the job.

What these short-sighted charlatans fail to realize is that none of these measures work for the long haul; short-term expedients are just that: short term.  And all too often, those “short-term expedients” have taken the form of trampling on whomever gets in their way – sure to scare “return customers” and “future business” away.  And in their frenetic single-mindedness to do so, they are blind to just how nakedly maliciousness they really are.  Take, for instance, Cekada’s cheap shot against the late Abbot Leonard Giardina – a deceased man unable to respond; or Dolan’s attempted character assassination of a fellow priest (see Pistrina’s The Poison Pen).  They cannot see how their motives betray them (and their own words destroy them), and that -- although their attacks may score them some short-term “points” with their catatonic culties -- they have “turned off” everyone else.  Their vitriolic barbs turn out to be like so many boomerangs, coming back to skewer them in the end (no pun intended).
But that’s what the SGG vipers are all about: taking cheap shots, and then “crying foul” when they are found out and exposed.  That’s what they did in the two examples cited in the last paragraph; that’s what they did so many times with Schiavo; that’s what they did with so many of their own parishioners (especially during the SGG School scandal of recent memory); and that’s what they’ll continue to do with whomever gets in their way.  The victimizers will keep on victimizing --and then, of course, “play the victim” and holler “slander.” 
Their hypocrisy and duplicity (not to mention their shameless worldliness) is nothing short of disgusting (as are their pathetically amateurish attempts to appear otherwise).  At a time when they should be preparing young minds with a real Catholic education (and giving them and their parents real Catholic principles to live by), they are feeding them a diet of sentimentalism, sanctimony, and mind-control, while simultaneously draining their wallets in order to quench their never-ending thirst for ”apostolate” boondoggles and epicurean adventure.

There are so many things that they could be doing to benefit the faithful (and themselves).  As this article intimated earlier on, they could be exposing (and combating) the evils of evolution – or, for that matter, those of Islam, which, as Belloc so prophetically warned, has risen “like a phoenix from the ashes” to once again threaten Christendom.  Ironically, it is the Protestants who are taking the initiative on both of those fronts.  Meanwhile, “Franken-pope” openly courts Moslems, while the SGG hucksters bury their heads in the sand, concerning themselves not with things like evolution, but instead with feathering their own nests, and furthering their own schemes of worldly self-interest.  Like the true politicians they are, they say and do whatever they think will get them material gain.  And, also like the politicians they are, they don’t practice what they preach (nor, probably, do they even believe what they preach).

Will these tigers ever change their stripes? (Does a tiger ever change its stripes?)  Don’t bet on it.  Based on their behavior to date, there is no reason to expect that they’ll ever “reform.”  As long as there is a critical mass of SGG boot-lickers for them to feed upon, the parasitic pair will continue to intimidate and exploit until either 1) they retire with “enough,” 2) things dip below the break-even point of “sustainability” for them (in which case, they’ll have to retire with whatever they’ve salted away so far), or 3) a parish lynch mob decides the issue in the interim.

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