Saturday, October 12, 2013

Dr. (Fr.) Droleskey: Who’s in His “Hidey Hole” Now?

In Thomas Droleskey’s marathon hatchet-job, Retracting Support For Paul Petko, he derisively referred to Bp. Petko as being in his “hidey-hole in Indiana.”  One supposes that this was an attempt at “humor” on Droleskey’s part; if so, it fell short of the mark: it was about as funny as a six-pack of funerals.  Well, it’s now the dastardly doctor’s turn to hunker down in his “hidey-hole”: he has gone and got himself made a priest, and the word is now getting around.  And, for whatever reason, he’s either embarrassed or self-conscious about it, because he gets “hot under the collar” and “snaps” at anyone who even brings up the subject. 

For those who are unfamiliar with Droleskey’s relationship with Bp. Petko, a little history:  a few years ago, Droleskey, after wearing out his welcome at Monroe, Connecticut, then came to the Indianapolis area, where Bp. Petko resides.  While in Monroe, Droleskey wanted to write an article (on his website, Christ or Chaos, about the nuns there; but they said no, they didn’t want any “notoriety.”  This alienated him, so he left).  In Indiana, Droleskey tried the same thing: to get Bp. Petko (and some people he knew) to give him damning information for an “interview” that he wanted to do; they, just as the nuns in Connecticut, didn’t want any notoriety, and so declined.  For that, and for other “infractions,” they “got on the wrong side” of Droleskey.

Eventually, Droleskey found his way to St. Albert the Great Church (“SAG”), in Fairfield, Ohio, whose pastor was Markus Ramolla (who also ran a “seminary” there at SAG) -- whom Droleskey knew from the latter’s days back at “SGG” (St. Gertrude the Great Church).  There, he and Ramolla rekindled a relationship that culminated in their collaboration on a mutually beneficial scheme:  Droleskey wanted revenge on Bp. Petko, while Ramolla had ambitions of becoming a bishop – ambitions which date back to his days at SGG.  Droleskey, in fact, was the original advocate for Ramolla’s bishopric, and he tried to get Bp. Petko to consecrate him.  Petko, however, said no.  This, then, gave Dr. D additional reasons for seeking revenge on Bp. Petko.  Through Droleskey’s contacts with Bp. Slupski, he then contracted with him (Slupski) to “get Ramolla done” (but it was Dymak who actually did the job). 

The way Droleskey chose to hurt Bp. Petko was by getting Ramolla and his seminarians to trump up charges of “inappropriate behavior” against him.  (This not only got Droleskey his “revenge,” but it also removed an obstacle in Ramolla’s path: he wanted to be SAG’s bishop as well as their pastor – but Bp. Petko was their “bishop” at the time.  So, “getting him out of the way” accomplished two goals: Droleskey’s revenge, and Ramolla’s “bishop ambitions.”  The trumped-up charges were led by both Ramolla and Droleskey (but it was the latter who did most of the “orchestrating”).  Bp. Petko was then “tried” at a kangaroo-court “parish meeting,” (that he was forbidden to attend), where his character was totally assassinated.  It wasn’t long afterwards that Droleskey, after crucifying Petko in front of SAG’s entire congregation, then compounded his treachery by publicly spreading the slander to all his readership – in his now-infamous 50+ page diatribe – on his Christ or Chaos website.

This spread the slander everywhere; even traditional clergy found out about it (and believed it).  Eventually, Lay Pulpit responded with a point-by point rebuttal, “Retracting Support for Paul Petko” Revisited.  But, because it too was (necessarily) long, it was since broken up into five shorter, more manageable segments: Revisiting Doctor Droleskey’s Diatribe: One Year Later, Lie No. 1: the “Association with Ryan Scott” Insinuation, Lie No. 2: The “Inappropriate Behavior with a Seminarian” Accustaion, Lie No. 3: “Grooming” of a Seminarian, and Despicable Doesn’t Go Far Enough).  One thing that must be pointed out is that Droleskey’s original diatribe has been removed from his Christ or Chaos website.  It probably did him more harm than good, so he had it taken down (his action was to no avail, however, for we have it in its entirety – intact).

For those who do not have the time (or the perseverance!) to wade through the original marathon diatribe (or even the other shorter articles), we can summarize by saying that all of Dr. D’s charges were proven to be bogus, and that his diatribe has become his “Pearl Harbor”: “it lives on in infamy.”  One of the things that really strikes this writer is the length to which this miserable wretch went to vilify Bp. Petko. Falsely accusing him of all sorts of “inappropriate behavior,” he even went so far as to create a bogus website, complete with an anonymous “witness” to alleged events in Bp. Petko’s past – arguably his most despicable deed in the whole affair. 

In his “inappropriate behavior” scheme against Bp. Petko, he convinced two seminarians and a former seminarian to “go along” with it (with a combination of lies and promises). One of them (who, because of those lies and promises, reluctantly did “go along with it”) has since realized that he was used as a pawn, has since apologized to Bp. Petko, and has (thanks be to God) since become a priest, allied with Bp. Petko.  The other seminarian (and former seminarian) didn’t really need any “convincing”: the two were one-time roommates at CMRI’s Mater Dei Seminary, where the former wrote the latter a “love poem” (for more details, see Lie No. 3: “Grooming” of a Seminarian).  So, it is easy to understand why they willingly went along with Droleskey and Ramolla’s scheme.

After Ramolla (with Droleskey’s help) got one of Bp. Slupski’s minions (Dymak) to get him his miter, their political alliance dissolved:  Ramolla turned on his SAG parishioners, and left them (and Droleskey) “high an dry” – but not before buying himself a $900 miter, $1000 worth of candles, plus some other “goodies” (all at the parish’s expense, of course).  He absconded to Germany, taking his “love poem” seminarian with him.  The former seminarian is now reportedly somewhere out West, while Ramolla and his “buddy” are reportedly still in Germany.  Droleskey and Ramolla, the two former political allies and co-conspirators, are now bitter adversaries – and the former is now reportedly in the Cincinnati, Ohio area – but “keeping a low profile” (it seems that it is now Dr, D who is the one hunkering down in his “hidey-hole”!).

When one thinks about what this sanctimonious serpent did to Bp. Petko -- the LIVING HELL that he put this man through -- it boggles the mind (and makes one’s blood run cold).  But what has all his conniving and scheming netted him?  What is the outcome of Dr. D’s efforts to crucify an innocent man?  What are the fruits of his underhandedness?  After going through the living hell of his treachery and having bravely borne this cross, Bp. Petko is now doing quite well.  The truth is now out, Droleskey’s lies against Bp. Petko have been exposed, and Dr. D’s carefully crafted conspiracy against him has collapsed.  Droleskey knows he can no longer do him any damage.  And Dr. D’s fellow conspirators, like rats leaving a drowning ship, have scattered and dispersed, their alliance having dissolved and their plot having failed. 

So, the prestigious PhD, the man who fashions himself as the oracle of traddieland: what has he accomplished?  How has he fared?  Firstly, the damage that he tried to do to Bp. Petko backfired on him: the immediate effect of his diatribe on Christ or Chaos was a significant loss of readership (and revenue) – so much so, that he pulled the article.  Since then, he has been looking for ways to reverse his losses (losses, of course, that were of his own making), and to recoup his credibility.  But Dr. D knows that, having publicly lied about Bp. Petko, and having got caught at it, his credibility is now shot.

Oh yes, he can still be traddieland’s “matinee idol” for the brain-dead, the gullible, and those who think that a 10,000-word snore-a-thon capped off with a mini-litany constitutes “good Catholic reading.”  But for everyone else, he will no longer be taken seriously, or be considered a “moral force to be reckoned with.”  He probably thought that his plot against Petko was a clever one; but in retrospect, it was rather adolescent, and not so well done as he had originally imagined or anticipated.  And now, he has gone off and got himself a Roman collar (as if this will help “rehabilitate” him).  But it won’t work, Doc: a Roman collar can’t turn a sow’s ear into a silk purse.

The “prestigious PhD,” at last report, is still “diatribing for dollars” on his CoC website, and still living in his trailer home.  His former allies having abandoned him, the Winnebago windbag now has to “start from scratch” again.  He is hoping to woo new recruits (and revenue) so that he, for one thing, can get himself something more “substantial” to live in.  If he can’t scrape up enough for an honest-to-goodness house, perhaps he could settle for – you guessed it -- a “hidey-hole”! – “serpent-sized,” of course (perhaps a scaled-down version of Hitler’s bunker).  It should be concrete-reinforced, too, with plenty of insulation (to meet Obama’s new “energy efficiency” requirements).  And -- oh yes -- to meet his own posthumous requirements, it should be asbestos-lined.


  1. In his interview with True Restoration Cekada mentions that he grew up on the estate of the Uihlein family which his father, Frank J. Cekada, chauffeured for. The Uihleins were powerful Scottish Rite masons, bankers and owners of Schlitz and Milwaukee's Best beer operations. They made many large donations to B'nai B'rith in honor of the Judaic man Sol E Abrams, a B'nai B'rith member (Gilead Lodge), who ran their beer operations. Another close associate was Ben Barkin, also a B'nai B'rith member. A wing of a B'nai B'rith camp is named after Barkin-Uilein.

    Cekada's father was the sidekick of another powerful mason, General Omar Bradley, in Sicily during WWII.

    Cekada/Dolan's Milwaukee church is named after St. Hugh the Bishop of Lincoln, not the martyr Little St. Hugh. St. Hugh the Bishop of Lincoln was a defender of Judaic moneylenders and is said to have had a Knight Templar named Brother Morinus as his almoner. Something of an early Zionist, in his will St. Hugh gave "twenty thousand silver marks, to be divided into four equal portions, between the Knights Templars, the Knights Hospitallers, the different religious houses in Palestine, and for the defence of the Holy Land." So unusual is this choice of patron saint that the church's website explains they were unable to find a statue of St. Hugh of Lincoln. There is a St. Hugh Masonic lodge #1386 in Lincoln, and modern Templar orders dedicated to St. Hugh of Lincoln however.

    This information can all be verified by a simple web search. Include Google books in the search.

  2. Tom Droleskey's Epitaph

    Here rests a married priest who lied.
    May all who love him well,
    Be comforted that, for his pride,
    He'll be your priest in hell.

    Kenneth Kyntale

    1. Thank you for your comment. Your words are quite appropriate -- and could be applied to Dannie Dolan and Tony Cekada as well (except that we’re not sure that Dannie is a valid priest, let alone, a bishop). It’s a “toss-up” as to who is the most despicable of the three; but for sheer INGENUITY, Dr. D has to win the prize (for his “invented” website with its imaginary “witness” against an innocent man).

      We have lost track of Droleskey since this article was written. We just hope that people do not fall for this pedantic peddler of sanctimony again. Perhaps, at some point, we may “pick up his scent again” and do a follow-up article on him (because people these days have very short “memory spans,” and need to be a “reminded” now and then). If you have any news on his whereabouts, we’d like to know!
