Saturday, August 31, 2013

Shooting the Messenger: a Textbook Example

We must thank the mindless morons who have been “commenting” (that is, venting their literary spleens) on an article (in addition to several others) that has appeared recently in the internet blog Pistrina Liturgica.  The article, as many know, deals with Anthony Cekada’s flawed defense of Daniel Dolan’s one-handed “ordination”; but the “comments,” as many well know, DON’T.  Instead, they deal not with the article but with the article’s author.  And the reason, of course, is simple: they can’t discredit what the article says (because it’s the truth), so they must discredit its author: the old “ignore the message, shoot the messenger” tactic.

Their comments, in fact, comprise a TEXTBOOK EXAMPLE of the “shoot the messenger” theme – perhaps THE textbook example – and we must thank them for that.  The reason that they have chosen to do this is obvious: they have no way to refute what the author says, because what he says is FACT – so they have to resort to character assassination.  And the reason that we must thank them is that they have saved us the trouble of exposing them as fools – because they have done such a masterful job of that themselves.  In their blind ignorance, they have shown to all the world that they are intellectually bankrupt, having no argument to offer except juvenile smear tactics; it is the one and only weapon they have left.

Another tactic that they have employed is that of “ganging up” on the blog’s author, attacking him en masse, as if “majority” equates to “right.”  This is the ”kangaroo court” tactic, the tactic of cowards, who attempt to “shout down” their opposition by sheer force of numbers.  It is reminiscent of a certain “parish meeting” in December, 2011, where an innocent bishop was condemned (in absentia) by a “lynch mob” led by the author of Christ or Chaos (accompanied by the church’s Neanderthal “pastor” and some compliant parishioners) – and it’s also reminiscent of what the Pharisees of old did to Our Lord.  It didn’t make the Pharisees right then, and it doesn’t make their modern-day counterparts right now.

It is a blindness that is obvious to everyone but them; and in their frantic (but fruitless) efforts to defend their “heroes” (Dolan and Cekada), they don’t realize that their efforts are only hurting these men -- demonstrating to all the world that they have no substance to offer – and thus making that deficiency all the more obvious.  But that is what one often does when he doesn’t have the facts on his side: he must fabricate something – something that he thinks will “take the heat off” the real issue.  The problem is, it never does; it only makes things worse, and makes one’s dodging the issue look even more obvious – at least to those with eyes to see.

And that brings up another thing: the author’s article was written NOT for the eyes of these blind fools, but for other peoples’ eyes: people with clearer vision (and minds) -- people who can evaluate an issue on its own merits (and not let their judgment be clouded by parochial allegiance to a couple of cult-masters).  People with eyes to see – especially the traditional clergy -- have seen (and recognized) that the problems that Pistrina’s author has brought up are not only real, but that the doubts about the validity of Dolan’s ordination are now, in fact, greater (and more probable) than ever.

The simplest (and most reasonable) way to allay those doubts is, of course, for Dolan to get himself conditionally ordained.  But that takes humility (not to mention, charity), neither of which Dolan (or Cekada) has – nor, I might add, do any of their fulsome flunkies who have been attempting to pinch-hit for them of late.  Their pride won’t let them admit that they’ve been backing bad men who are using them as cat’s paws for their own worldly aims – not that they haven’t been given plenty of warning that they are being so used.  They have come to emulate their cult-masters, both in arrogance and in ignorance.

And -- speaking of ignorance – these “commenters,” after failing in their attempts to match wits with the blog’s author, and now attempting (by “ganging up” on him) to turn the website into a cathinfo-style circus of spleen-venting -- think that what they’re doing is earning them brownie points with their cult-master heroes.  Instead, all they are accomplishing is gratifying their own vanity -- and embarrassing not only themselves, but their cult-masters as well.  Again, these idiots don’t realize that the website’s real audience is the public-at-large (and especially the traditional clergy), who – unencumbered by political allegiance “baggage” – can examine the data objectively, and see Cekada for the rank amateur that he is.  So, it really doesn’t matter what these “commenters” say or think.  In fact, the more they open their mouths, the worse they (and their cult heroes) look. 

It is only regrettable that Pistrina must occasionally stoop to “”recognizing” them (by having to respond to their hapless heckling), because they really don’t deserve such attention.  So, for all of them, we suggest that they stop wasting the author’s time (and everyone else’s), and that they stick to the facts from here on – or remain discreetly silent.  Of course, we know that they won’t.  Even though they (and Cekada) know that they can’t possibly refute the website’s documentation, they’ll still persist in their feeble (and futile) efforts to disparage its author.  They’ll still try to “shoot the messenger,” because that’s all that these intellectually bankrupt amoebas have left (and know how to do).  We only request, if they do keep trying, that they take their “comments” to another website -- one that accepts toxic waste.

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