Saturday, October 29, 2016

Why the Cult-masters Must Be Stopped

The quote (of Pope St. Felix III) used in our last article says it all: Not to oppose error is to approve it; and not to defend truth is to suppress it; and indeed to neglect to confound evil men, when we can do it, is no less a sin than to encourage them.”  This is a meaningful, far-reaching statement, for two reasons: first, it dispels that oft-repeated (and futile) “Alter Christus” argument that so many culties like to cite to disallow any criticism of their cult-master idols.  And, secondly, it also nullifies all the “detraction” arguments used to silence any criticism of them as well.  As the saintly pope rightly pointed out, it is actually sinful NOT to confound such men -- and that we actually have a moral obligation to oppose and expose these creeps. 

“But,” one of Dannie’s culties might protest, “His Excellency and Father Cekada are good, decent men, so why pick on them?”  The answer, of course, is that they are NOT “good, decent men.”  They are scum, and there are mountains of factual evidence to back up that claim: Schiavo, the 2009 school debacle (and how it was “swept under the rug”), the exodus of half their parish after that debacle – you name it.  There is nothing more that we need to prove on that score.  So why, with such overwhelming evidence, are Dannie and Tony “still in business”?  Why have they not been exposed or opposed – at least to any significant degree – by their former parishioners? 

Well, for that, we must go back to that “Alter Christus” thing again, and that old Catholic “obedience” thing of "not questioning our priests.”  The fact is, most of those who left SGG after the school scandals left “with their tails between their legs”: they kept silent.  Perhaps (they thought), they were gone from SGG and were now “safe,” so why “take retribution” or “make waves.”  Perhaps, too, they might have thought that Dannie and Tony merely “made a mistake” – so why “throw them under the bus” for that?  Then, too, they might have been too lazy or too cowardly to do anything, and they used the “Alter Christus” ploy as an excuse for doing nothing.  Whatever their reasons, they did nothing. 

And what did they accomplish by “not making waves”?  They enabled the cult-masters to continue their mischief, that’s what.  Because of their inaction, Dannie and Tony were able to keep making their “waves” – and a lot of people got “drowned” in the process.  After the 2009 school debacle, the children of many remaining SGGers became thoroughly disillusioned; and their resulting “drop-out” rate was atrocious.  Not only that: some of them (besides losing the Faith) became thoroughly dissolute, with several having children out of wedlock – and at least one confirmed case of a girl becoming lesbian, and another taking the “transgender” route.  Perhaps if those who left had been more vocal about it, those kids’ parents might have followed suit and left, taking both themselves and their kids out of harm’s way.

The fact that most of those who left SGG did not make their reasons widely known is “a biggie.”  Let us re-look at Pope Felix’s words: Not to oppose error is to approve it; and not to defend truth is to suppress it; and indeed to neglect to confound evil men, when we can do it, is no less a sin than to encourage them.”  When we can do it are the operative words here.  These people could do it – but they didn’t.  That is something that they must think about – especially about the consequences of their hesitancy and their reluctance to “make waves.”  But, fortunately, they can rectify that situation.  It is not too late for them to make those waves – to get re-involved – to voice their input this time around.

In fact, now (oddly enough) may be a better time for them to do so, for the years of cult-master abuse since that time might have “softened up” the Gerties to the point where they are now more “receptive” to what these former parishioners (who left back then) have to say.  We’re also sure that the people still at SGG (and who oppose the cult-masters) remember many of these former parishioners, and know how to contact them.  We ask that they do just that, and then solicit whatever input they can get.  It would also be good for all concerned to “review” what has gone on all these years, to ensure that everyone is aware – to show them that the cult-masters “have not changed their stripes.”

We have devoted quite a bit of time to this ”hesitancy” thing, but we think it was time well spent, for we see this as the greatest barrier to people doing the right thing.  We hope that this has convinced them that their “hesitancy” has negative consequences, that they share responsibility for those consequences, and that their inaction against the cult-masters “is no less a sin than to encourage them.”  This applies not only for those who have left SGG, but for those who are still there, and who oppose the cult-masters, but for some reason still “tolerate” them.  By whatever degree they do not act, by that same degree are they also culpable.

So then, we hope that what we’ve said here sufficiently explains the reasons for acting against the cult-masters, and in strengthening peoples’ resolve to do so.  People must come to the hard realization that Dannie and Tony are not good men. In fact, they are not even competent men: as Pistrina has proved so conclusively, they are certainly not “scholars,” Latinists, or “theologians.”  All of their attempts at “scholarship” – such as SGG’s recent embarrassment, “Ordo 2016” -- have been miserable failures.   All they have to offer – all they’ve ever had to offer -- are Catholicism’s cosmetics, “the show,” and nothing more. 

Indeed, they’re a couple of bungling fools -- but they are not benign bungling fools.  They are malicious, and they are dead serious in their motives – and their motives are not Catholic.  Indeed, they’re all about MONEY – and nothing else.  People must come to this realization: that behind all the syrup and the sanctimony, there’s really nothing there.  Once people can focus on this – and comprehend this – then organizing opposition to the cult-masters will be a much easier task.  And -- just what kinds of steps that task will entail – that will the subject of our next article.  Until then, “stay tuned.”


  1. Can you really talk about these men without throwing in Sanborn and company?

    Same stuff, different location. Everyone seems too scared to criticize him.

  2. You're right: the same applies to Sanborn -- and, for that matter, to Pivarunas as well. (Actually, Sunburn is probably the WORST of the lot.) They're all scum, and they're all in the game to feather their respective nests.

  3. Donald Sanborn is worse than any of them because his superior attitude and the fact that he is paid off by one of the families to promote their children in his ranks is horrific. In addition, he is molding seminarians to be just like himself...little sinborn's preaching about hell, while collecting money to fund his tours in Europe and his eventual European seminary. With the help of senior golden boy's money, he moved his entire seminary states away, due to his golden boy's "hand condition." Add the fact that he has for years tried to take Arizona's land and money before he closes them down, while building a new convent in Brooksville (and letting the Arizona church keep the mother house just until they can build a luxurious one next to his seminary, or should I say the Selway compound?) The man has so many accounts in different states, you have to wonder why he is trying to hide his paper trail. The answer to me is that he is covering up something. The only question is what? How much money has he taken? How many scandals has he attempted to coverup (like the priest he tried to protect who had a relationship with a parishioner?). How many more scandals is this man covering up? How many more of his priests are involved with nuns or parishioners? How far will this man go?

  4. A priest had a relationship with a parishioner???


    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. The article says sanborn kicked him out and that he's estranged from Sanborn. Wasn't he recently saying mass at SGG and at some of the ordinations (shown in pictures on MHT's website newsletters)? I'm curious how that is estranged?

      Has Sanborn and company been on the fallout with other priests? From comments on other sites, he had a rift with a priest in Michigan also (Bishop Neville?) Something about stealing money from Sanborn under a similar trusts name?

      His bio has him moving all over the place: ny, ca, ct, mi, and fl. Has anyone researched to find out what corporations he has in these states, why he moved about, and where he gets his money?

  5. If one scratches beneath the surface of Traddieland, he’ll find all sorts of dirt. As to who is estranged from whom, those things are transitory. If McMahon is estranged from Sanborn, we’re sure it’s only a temporary thing, until the negative publicity about McMahon dies down. Neville, for instance, was estranged from Sanborn and Dolan for a while, but now he’s “back in bed” with them. And, speaking of Neville, his mother is a county clerk in New York, where “marriage” licenses to homosexuals are issued quite often. We wonder if this bothers Bobby, who is (reportedly) so much against homosexuals. (Remember Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk who refused to issue such licenses? She sacrificed her job for her principles. We wonder if Bobby’s mom would do the same.) The truth is, they’re all scum of one sort or another; and scum attracts scum. And now that the truth is surfacing about the cult-masters, they’re “circling the wagons” and banding together, depending upon what the political situation at the moment is.

  6. The people attending these chapels care very little for what it says on some blog about where they attend Mass. You people are wasting your time. Why don't you just worry about your own lives and let other people worry about theirs?

    1. If no one cares, why did you read it?

      Some people want to know what is going on at their chapel and with whom they trust their soul. I'd rather go in with my eyes wide open than with rose-colored glasses, possibly endangering my soul and funding such pompous individuals.

    2. Yes. That's why this site has changed my direction just in time to prevent my moving to the exact wrong place(s).

      To me because Florida has always been more attractive than Ohio just on the face of it - it is a huge save knowing that I am not alone nor must I suppress as entirely my fault misgivings about Bp. Sanborn as a person. One I've only gotten to know through podcasts so always in my mind was.... it takes one to know one! But knowing that wouldn't help me were to I move there; it's not enough to counter what would actually occur were I attending mass at MHT. Nor am I meant to pray for the saving of the souls of the clergy in charge of the place I worship.

  7. Actually, Anon. 6:12 PM, we HAVEN’T been wasting our time. More and more people are finding out about the cult-masters – and are STAYING AWAY. (In fact, about half the SGG congregation has already left.) According to your logic, we shouldn’t care about whether people anywhere else are persecuted, murdered, etc., but only about our own lives. That’s the kind of mentality that has been rampant in our country, where people don’t care about what happens to “the other guy.” Because of that, abortion has now been legalized, homosexuality is a protected “right” under the law, etc, etc.. To quote Pope Felix III once again, “Not to oppose error is to approve it, and not to defend truth is to suppress it; and indeed to neglect to confound evil men, when we can do it, is no less a sin than to encourage them.”

    As Anon. 10:16 PM pointed out, if you don’t care, why are you reading our blog? You sound just like one of those culties we’ve been writing about: you don’t care about prostituting your principles, as long as you get your “show.” Perhaps one day, when both your wallet and your soul are obliterated, you’ll wake up to the realization that what has been happening to “the other guy” has also happened to YOU.

  8. Gentlemen, I recently found out about Citizen Audit, a site which allows the public to search tax documents (ie: Form 990s)

    It seems to require an annual membership fee, not sure if it would be cost prohibitive for you but I just wanted to pass along the information on the chance that it may be of some help to you & PL in your work

    I found out about the site via someone who had a cult show up in their community, but only came to understand their schemes after looking at their financial statements.

    After reading some posts here and at PL it was noted that the $GG cult masters may be hiding financial shenanigans via multiple businesses and corporations.

    As I said, just wanted to pass along some information that may be of use. I'm a complete novice on such matters. If I didn't pass this along immediately I'd probably forget it.

    Best wishes

    1. The problem is that these groups have assets hidden under different names and in different states. I've heard one of the priests say how easy it is to open accounts with similar names. For instance, when Neville started his own church, an account was opened with a very similar name to Sanborn's church's name. The new one strategically done in order to cash the checks of sanborn's church tithes and break away, but not be financially in the red. Not only are names changed, but Sanborn has assets hidden in different states, for instance Michigan. Yes, he left Michigan to go South, but he still keeps accounts in different states. In addition, it is well known through public record on real estate sites that he has parishioners in his circle buy real estate and either gift it, make name changes, or sell for an absurd low amount to him and his church. If you look up names within his circle, you will notice a good number of real estate exchanges. They have known how to hide assets for years, but unfortunately, still guilt their parishioners into giving all they have. Look at SGG and their private wings with private ac's, vacations to the Bishop's Lodge, economically deficient travel expenses to Florida for a week of teaching (when classroom Skype is used all over businesses and the world now to help save costs), and continual pleads for Mondy to repair a bad something.

    2. Correction: money (not Mondy)

